
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 25/20 calorie machine 90 second pigeon stretch 30 banded good mornings 2 Rounds: 16 lunges 12 heavy goblet squats 8 groiners Finish with: 20 legs swings 20 scorpions Strength: Back Squat (14 minutes) Strength: 1 rep max Technique: 5×5 (moderate weight) Welded Lean: no strength MetCon: Welded: 20/16 calorie bike 10 cleans (135#/95#) 20/16 calorie bike 8 cleans (155#/105#) 20/16 calorie bike 6 cleans (185#/125#) 20/16 calorie bike 4 cleans (205#/135#) 20/16 calorie bike 2 cleans (225#/155#) scaled: 95#/65#, 115#/75#, 135#/85#, 145#/95#, 155#/105# *14 minute time cap Welded Lean: 2K row 100 AbMat sit ups 100 air squats 1K row 50 AbMat sit ups 50 air squats 2K row *40 minute time cap   SKILLS (Midtown 4:30PM)
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20/15 calorie machine 60 second banded overhead distraction 2 Rounds: 15 Russian kettle bell swings 15 air squats Clean PVC Progression 2 Rounds: 5 hang power cleans 5 front squats 5 push jerks Strength: 12 minute EMOM Strength: 1 clean and jerk Technique: 2 powers cleans + 1 push jerk MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: For Time: Buy In: 100 double unders 4 Rounds 10 toes to bar 12 calorie row Cash Out: 30 burpees scaled: 150 singles, 15 knee raises *12 minute time cap   SPEEDFIT (Midtown 6AM) Warm Up: 500 meter row 3 Rounds: 12 tempo squats (3 sec down fast up) 10 arm circles 10 push ups 10 ring rows MetCon: 4 Rounds 10 power snatches (75#/55#) 20 wall balls Cash out: 30/23 calorie bike
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice MetCon: Welded: Lurong WOD #4: Clean Up Crew 12 minute AMRAP 1 clean (185#/125#) 2 chest to bar pull ups 2 cleans 4 chest to bar pull ups 3 cleans 6 chest to bar pull ups 4 cleans 8 chest to bar pull ups *Continue increasing in 1:2 ratio each round Welded Lean: 20-15-10 push ups hang cleans (95#/65) 2 minute rest 10-20-30 push ups hang cleans (95/65)
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By: Sabrina Blajos As we are getting closer to The Open, I can’t help but get excited. The Open has been and always will be one of my favorite times of the year. For so many reasons: 1st it brings out the inner athlete. It gives people who didn’t have an athletic background a chance to see that just because they weren’t a D1 athlete doesn’t mean they can’t be an Athlete. AT ANY AGE!!! 2nd the camaraderie. The Welded Community is amazing and the power it has to hype up an event is even more amazing! 3rd you get to show off your hard work. The open comes once a year for a reason! So that you can reflect on your weaknesses and then have a chance to attack them throughout the year! So you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t want to show all your friends your hard work and...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 30/24 calorie machine 20 legs swings 20 lunges 15 dumbbell thrusters 10 groiners 20 scorpions 15 PVC pass throughs 15 PVC good mornings 1 minute banded front rack Strength: Front Squat (every 1:30) Welded: 7×1 @90% Welded Lean: no strength MetCon: Welded: Death By: cleans (115#/75#) bar facing burpee Adv.: 155/105 *Add 1 rep until failure *Extra Gains: Once you fail complete 100 AbMat sit ups. Welded Lean: 2 Rounds: 100/80 calorie bike 1 minute rest 80/65 calorie bike 1 minute rest 60/50 calorie bike 2 minute rest *40 minute time cap   SKILLS (Midtown 4:30PM) Glutes & Hamstrings   LADIES NIGHT (Midtown 6:30PM) Warm Up: 2 minute machine 3 Rounds: 15 KB swings 10 air squats 5 burpees 20 PVC pass throughs 20 PVC good mornings 1 minute lat smash (each side) Skill of the Month: Chest to Bar & Toes to Bar Kipping Sequence: 3 Rounds 2 beat...
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