By: Sabrina Blajos For those of you who don’t know, I am a Fall Lover and a born Basic. Pumpkin everything is Life this time of year for me. However, as I get more and more into nutrition, more into creating habits, developing goals, and practicing self-discipline. I find that its hard to keep some of the more “Fad” habits apart of my daily lifestyle. So like anything you have to find what is worth it and what is not. So below I listed some of my favorite Fall Treats and the substitutes I like to use from trusted resources and friends. Some of them you can use daily others, on special occasions. If you try these our let me know what you think, or if you have any good ones that I must try! Always looking to try new coffee hacks! =] Drinks by WAG: Pumpkin Spice (Grande 16oz)...
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