
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Partner WOD 20 Minute AMRAP 28 KB Swings 28 Cal. Bike 56 Ab Mat Sit Ups 56 Cal. Row 84 Double Unders 84 Air Squats
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Build: For Time: 15-12-9 Snatch (95#/65#) 15-15-15 Wall Balls 3 Minute Rest 12-9-6 Snatch (95#/65#) 20-20-20 Wall Balls 20 Minute Time Cap Welded: For Time: 9-6-3 Snatch (135#/95#) 20-20-20 Wall Balls 3 Minute Rest 5-3-1 Snatch (155#/105#) 30-30-30 Wall Balls 20 Minute Time Cap Welded: For Time: 9-6-3 Snatch (185#/125#) 20-20-20 Wall Balls 3 Minute Rest 5-3-1 Snatch (205#/135#) 30-30-30 Wall Balls 20 Minute Time Cap LEAN GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 5×5 Minute AMRAP 10 Walking Lunges 7 No Push Up Burpees 7 Lemon Squeezes 10 Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk (50#/35#) 1:30 Rest After Each AMRAP
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 200m Run 6 No Push Up Burpees 10 Single Arm DB Hang C&J (each arm) 2 Rounds 15 Lemon Squeezes 10 Jump Switch Lunges Barbell Progression Strength: Power Clean (every 1:30) Build: 5×4 Welded: 5×3 Warrior: 5×2 MetCon: Build: 12 Minute AMRAP 12 Thrusters (75#/55#) 12 Ring Rows 12 Cal. Row Welded: 12 Minute AMRAP 9 Thrusters (95#/65#) 6 C2B Pull Ups 12 Cal. Bike Warrior: 12 Minute AMRAP 6 Thrusters (135#/95#) 3 BMU 12 Cal. Bike
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 35 Minute AMRAP 2K Row 50 Box Jump Overs 30 Burpees 20 DL (155#/105#) WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Weightlifting: Clean and Jerk Find 2RM (drop and reset) Hang Clean High Pulls (every 1:30) 5×10 Split Jerk Press (every 1:30) 5×6 (choose weight)
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This week’s #DECFMonday was chosen by Coach Trent! Keep doing you Kyle, we like it! “Kyle is the definition of our Double Edge core values. He comes in consistently at 5AM ready to Rock N’ Roll. You can always find him with a positive attitude no matter how tough the workout looks. Since March, this dude has been making tremendous progress yet in his soft-spoken humility he will always ask for areas of improvement. It has been nothing but a pleasure to have him and his contagious smile in our classes. Thank you Kyle for being such a special piece to the Double Edge Community, keep up the solid work my friend!” – Coach T
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