
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 3 Rounds 800 Meter Run 50 Wall Balls (Light) 50 Ab Mat Sit Ups 25 Burpees WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Weightlifting: Squat Snatch (every 1:30) 8×3 Snatch Pulls (every 1:30) 6×3 @105% Snatch Grip Push Press (every 1:30) 4×5 (choose weight)
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Joel! Way to go Barbara! “I remember the first day Barbara came into the gym looking for the “Supple Leopard Guy,” and I just happened to be the first one she met. We started with some air squats and sit ups, now she can deadlift 245 lbs. and has competed in the Welded Open the past 4 years!! Barbara is one of the most caring women I know, and she truly cares about Double Edge, and its Community. She is an amazing athlete, a compassionate mother, and one of the best friends I have. Thank you, Barbara, for everything that you do!” – Coach Joel
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 No Push Up Burpees 15 Bent Hollow Rocks 20 Plank Shoulder Taps Accessory Work: 4 Rounds Build: 15 Hammer Curls + 4×8-12 Ring Row (Lat Focus) Welded: 15 Hammer Curls + 4×8-10 Strict Pull Ups Warrior: 15 Hammer Curls + 6-8  Strict C2B Pull Ups MetCon: Build: 2 Rounds 400m Run 15 Power Cleans (95#/65#) 25 Box Jumps/Step Ups 15 Push Press (95#/65#) 15 Minute Time Cap Welded: 2 Rounds 400m Run 8 Squat Cleans (165#/115#) 25 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 8 Push Jerk (165#/115#) 15 Minute Time Cap Warrior: 2 Rounds 400m Run 8 Squat Cleans (205#/135#) 25 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 8 Push Jerks (205#/135#) 15 Minute Time Cap
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By: Derek Wellock What’s up everyone?!  I almost started my blog post with a “rant” blog about the broken higher education system and how I don’t care about how many or what kind of paper qualifications you have, but whether or not you have the ability to change, provide value and positively impact another human’s life.   But I decided, to save that for another day. Haha. Post 20 days of Welded review.  I am still in the Live Hard Challange which includes the following.  75 Hard, Phase 1 Live Hard, 30-day mandatory break (where I am now) Phase 2 Live Hard and then Phase 3 Live Hard.  You have a year to complete, mess up one thing and start over. We actually did a Reps of Discipline podcast on 75 Hard, you should check it out.  But as you can see I enjoy a good challenge, and right now...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 250m row 15 Sec. Static Single Leg Glute Bridge (each leg) 10 Glute Bridges (both legs) Finish w/: 30 Hollow Rocks Strength: Deadlift (every 2:00) Build: 3×4 + 10 Push Ups Weld: 3×4 + 15 Push Ups War: 3×4 + 20 Push Ups MetCon: Build: 14 Minute EMOM 1. 16 Toes to Target or Tuck Ups 2. 10 Alt. DB Snatches (35#/20#) Welded: 14 Minute EMOM 1. 8 T2B 2. 10 Alt. DB Snatches (50#/35#) Warrior: 14 Minute EMOM 12 TTB 8 Alt. DB Snatches (75#/50#) LEAN GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 250m row 15 Sec. Static Single Leg Glute Bridge (each leg) 10 Glute Bridges (both legs) Finish w/: 30 Hollow Rocks MetCon: For Time: 3K Row 20 Strict Press (75#/55#) 2 Minute Rest 2K Row 30 Push Press (75#/55#) 2 Minute Rest 1K Row 40 Push Jerk (75#/55#) 35...
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