
By: Alvie Hafen I would like to share the story about one of our members here at Double Edge. It all started about two years ago… It was a cold Thursday morning at Midtown. I arrived at the gym at about 4:40 AM. I started my normal routine, turning on all the lights and starting that much needed pot of coffee. The normal 5 AM crew started to roll in shortly after. These 5 AM people are hard core! They come in every morning energized, motivated, and throw down hard everyday. This is a very social class, everyone knows everyone and is very friendly. About 5 minutes before the class began, I noticed a new person walk through the door. This man seemed somewhat shy and looked like he had never touched a barbell in his life. I went up and introduced myself and welcomed him to his first class....
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 1 minute banded overhead distraction 3 Rounds: 10 PVC overhead squats 20 banded good mornings Strength: Clean and Jerk (every 1:15) Strength: 10×1 @80% Technique: 10×3 @moderate weight MetCon: Welded: 4 Rounds 15 overhead squats (95#/65#) 15 box jumps (24″/20″) At 8 Minutes: 7 minutes to find max power clean Score 1: time (add :01 for every uncompleted rep) Score 2: heaviest power clean Welded Lean: Rowing Intervals 10×500 meters 1 minute rest after each rounds
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 90 second hip capsule stretch 4 Rounds: 10 kettlebell deadlifts 10 air squats 6 Samson stretch Strength: Back Squat (every 1:30) Strength: 5×3 @80% MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 hang power clean (115#/75#) shoulder to overhead (115#/75#) *10 minute time cap
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Alvie. This is an amazing transformation, great job Tiffanie! Keep up the awesome work! “This is Tiffanie. She has been with Double Edge now for a little over 5 months. Tiffanie is the mother of a 1 year old and a full time manager at Olive Garden. She does class 4-5 times a week, works 1 on a with me, and runs twice a week as well. She is proof that if you work hard and you are consistent, your goals will happen. She has already lost over 30lbs and 8 inches! Her goals: Weigh 185lbs by December 31st Run a half marathon in February. She is well on her way. Tiffanie as your coach I’m proud of you and the effort you have put in. Keep it going. Well done Tiffanie!” – Coach Alvie
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 12/9 calorie machine 10 barbell squats 8 strict knee raises 6 burpees Strength: Back Squats (every 1:20) Strength: 3×2 @ 85% 3×2 @ 80% 3×4 @ 70% MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: Partner WOD 2 Rounds (3 minutes at each station) 1. box jumps (24″/20″) 2. toes to bar or knee raises 3. burpees 4. hang kettlebell snatches (44#/26#)
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