
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Shoulder Mobilization 2 Rounds 20 alternating dumbbell snatch 20 calorie bike or ski 20 air squats MetCon: Welded: 15-12-9 power snatch (95#/65#) overhead squat 2 minute rest 12-9-6 power snatch (115#/75#) overhead squat 2 minute rest 9-6-3 power snatch (135#/95#) overhead squat scaled: power clean, front squat *18 minute time cap Welded Lean: 10 Rounds 500 meter row 14 kettle bell hang snatch (44#/26#) *35 minute time cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Ankle Mobilization 3 Rounds 15 Russian kettlebell swings 15 calorie machine 10 plank to push up Strength: Back Squat (every 1:30) Strength: 6×2 @80-85% Technique: 6×5 @moderate weight MetCon: Welded: 2 Rounds 40 push ups 10 power cleans or squat cleans (135#/95#) 25 calorie bike Adv: 2 Rounds 25 handstand push ups 10 squat cleans (165#/115#) 25 calorie bike *15 minute time cap Welded Lean: For Time: 50 dumbbell front squats (50#/35#) 30 dumbbell ground to overhead
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Trent! “My #DECFmonday goes out to a Double Edge OG. This guy has shown me that challenges from recovery can actually inspire improvement. Unfortunately he was in a motorcycle accident. But if you know the work ethic of Roger, you know that its going to take more than a truck to stop him. Keep up the awesome work Roger! Your presence alone is an inspiration to us all.” – Coach Trent
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With 2017 coming to an end, we are already getting prepared for another great year at Double Edge! Below you will find a few changes to our 2018 class schedule that will go into effect on January 2nd. If you have any questions about the schedule you can talk to your coach or email us at [email protected]. 2018 Midtown Schedule 2018 South Schedule 2018 Yoga Schedule Coming Soon!
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Shoulder Mobilization 2 Rounds 10 single arm kettle bell press 5 pull ups/10 ring rows 15 kettle bell swings Skill WOD: 12 minute EMOM odd: hand stand push ups/variations (4-8 reps) even: pull ups (5-10 reps) adv.: 3 bar muscle ups MetCon: Welded: 9-15-21 power snatch (95#/65#) lateral burpees adv.: 135#/95# *10 minute time cap Welded Lean: 3 Rounds 15 dumbbell shoulder to overhead (35#/20#, each side) 1 mile bike 30 walking lunges *15 minute time cap
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