
By: Jacob Wellock This may go without saying, but what is the most valuable thing in your life? It is my firm opinion that the most crucial thing in your life is time. Time is something that we continue to spend every day and every hour. It doesn’t favor anything or anyone and it no matter what we do, it will keep moving forward. It is your choice to move with it or get left behind. I believe that in this life we are called to serve others and that it is our responsibility to be the best that we can with the gifts that we have been blessed with. It may take some longer than others to find those gifts, but none the less they are there. It may take some soul searching and it may take some incredible courage to go after something you may not have the...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 8 minute AMRAP 20 banded good mornings 12 walking lunges 1 minute machine Weightlifting (Welded): Clean Complex (every 1:15) 8x 1 hang squat clean + 1 squat clean (drop and reset) Clean Pulls 5×3 @100% of best clean Back Raises 4×20-30 MetCon (Welded Lean): 4 Rounds 3 mile bike 30 PVC sit ups
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With Christmas and the New Year right around the corner we wanted to remind all of our members that we will be closed on the dates below. We will be spending the holiday with our family and friends and wish you all the very best during Christmas and the New Year! December 25th and 26th: Closed at both locations January 1st: Closed at both locations
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: front rack mobilization 3 Rounds 10 single arm kettlebell high pulls 10 kettlebell press 20 second superman hold Strength: Pushing Complex (every 1:30) 5x 3 push press + 2 push jerk MetCon: Welded: Buy In: 150 double unders 3 Rounds 10 deadlifts (225#/155#) 10 lateral burpees Cash Out: 150 double unders scaled: singles + 10 burpees *15 minute time cap
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By: Leo Fontana So often in our society we hear the words coming out of someone’s mouth, “I’m on a diet, I can’t eat this.” The word “diet” should never scare you, being on a diet is something we have been doing since we were born, diets are what we are eating at that moment. Not something that is temporary or only certain food groups and when you’re not on a diet you eat all of the unhealthy foods. You’re still on a diet, just not a good one. Dr. McBroom, Derek and I got into one of our conversations about nutrition, health, fitness and health care and we were looking at some numbers and we found that 100 million Americans have diabetes or are pre-diabetics. Take a moment to absorb what this means. “More than 100 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or pre-diabetes, according to a...
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