
By: Tammy Hamilton Weekends are typically the hardest part of the week when you’re trying to eat healthy. Many people do great during the week then erase all the progress they’ve made in 2 days of the weekend. Which can lead to feelings of failure and might make you want to throw in the towel. Don’t let that be you! Here are a few tips below to get you through your first weekend of the challenge: Be prepared! Whether that be meal prepping or having your meals for the weekend written down on a piece of paper. Planning ahead will help you to stay on track.   If you know you are going to go out to eat at a restaurant, look up their menu ahead of time and pick a healthy meal ahead of time. Don’t let yourself get too hungry! Going too long between meals will make you more...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 80 walking lunges (each leg) 50/40 calorie machine (rotate) 60 burpees 50/40 calorie machine (rotate) 40 toes to bar 50/40 calorie machine (rotate) 20 power snatches (115#/75#) scaled: clean and jerk
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The Nutrition Challenge officially started this week with weigh ins on Saturday and the team workout on Monday. We are excited for everyone who is participating in this year’s challenge and want to help you get the most out of it by providing you content from our certified nutrition coaches. Throughout the month they will be writing blogs that will have helpful tips, nutrition information and more! Whether you are participating in the challenge or not, these blogs will help create a better understanding with your daily nutrition. Head to and go to the Nutrition Blog page to check it out!
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 minute CrossOver Symmetry 4 minute handstand hold or forward leaning rest (:30 intervals) 2 minute dynamic stretching Strength: Push Jerk (every 1:30) 5×3 (rising) MetCon: Welded: 14 minute AMRAP 5 pull ups 7 front squats 9 box jumps (24″/20″) Every 3 rounds increase front squat weight: 95#/65#, 115#/75#, 135#/95#, 155#/105# Advanced: chest to bar and 135#/95#, 155#/105#, 185#/125#, 205#/145# Welded Lean: For Time: 30/24 calorie row 2 Rounds 20 alternating dumbbell snatches (50#/35#) 1 minute plank Then: 30/24 calorie row 2 Rounds 20 single arm kettlebell thrusters (total, 35#/26#) 20 plank to push up *18 minute time cap
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By: Kris Thompson Hi everyone! If you don’t know already, I’m the one behind the phone when it comes to running the social media for Double Edge which means I spend a lot of time scrolling… Especially on Instagram. With the Welded Open just around the corner I wanted to share some of the Games athletes that I follow who I find inspiring, amazing and actually pretty interesting/entertaining. I had to limit myself to 10 (5 male, 5 female) otherwise the list would be a little overwhelming. So here we go: Tia-Clair Toomey (@tiaclair1) Mat Fraser (@mathewfras) Katrin Davidsdottir (@katrintanja) Rich Froning (@richfroning) Kara Webb (@karawebb1) Josh Bridges (@bridgesj3) Brooke Ence (@brookeence) Ben Smith (@bsmit13) Brooke Wells (@brookewellss) Scott Panchik (@scottpanchik) Following these athletes and seeing just a small glimpse into their lives is quite eye opening. They share what it takes to get to the elite level in our...
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