
WARM UP: 3 Rds 10 PVC PT, 10 OHS, 10 Single Arm High Pulls, 20 R. KBS (8 Minute Time Cap) STRENGTH: Find a 1 Rep Max Snatch (14 Minutes) Technique: (8×3 Drop and Reset) Lean: No Strength CROSSFIT: Tier Testing Tier 3: Front Squat Body Weight TTB Tier 4: 2-3 Movements to Work on   CROSSFIT LEAN: 3K Row Rest 2 Minutes 2K Row 60 KB Snatches (30 each side) 53/35 Rest 2 Minutes 1K Row 60 KB Snatches (30 Each Side) 60 Single Arm Front Rack KB Squats  (30 Each Side)
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 5 Inchworms 10 Heavy KB DL 15/12 Cal Machine Strength: Back Squat (every 2 mins) Strength: 6x3 80% MetCon: Welded: 4 RoundsFor Time: 20 DB Single Arm OH Walking Lunges 50/35 20 Knees to Elbows Cash Out: 1 Mile Run Welded Lean: 4 Rounds for Time 20/15 Cal Machine rotating all 3  20 push ups 20 Box Jumps
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REMINDER: SOUTH LOCATION: CLASSES ARE CANCELLED FOR THE MALTZ CHALLENGE MIDTOWN LOCATION: OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING IS CANCELLED GROUP CLASS WORKOUT: Warm Up: Coach’s Choice MetCon: For Time: 1 mile run or 2K row 100 wall balls 50 burpees 50 deadlifts (135#/95#) 100 push ups 1 mile run or 2K row *40 minute time cap
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By: Tammy Hamilton One of my favorite quotes is, “Success is not for the lazy.” Through my own personal story, gaining 40 pounds through my pregnancy was challenging and I still struggle with not looking how I used to when I competed at regionals.  Besides being given the best blessing in the world, my son; I was also given the opportunity to overcome my own challenges with getting my body back. And let me just say, it has been a challenge! Adopting a healthy lifestyle is not a shortcut, but rather a daily journey full of days that are better than other days.  We do Welded because it challenges us, pushes us to our mental and physical limits.  Challenges are meant to be difficult and allow everyone to discover their limits, tolerance, strengths and weaknesses in adopting healthy habits like exercising and eating right.  The work put into challenges to...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 10 jump squats 15 calorie machine 10 alternating dumbbell snatches MetCon: Welded: 20 minute AMRAP 10 hang power snatches (95#/65#) 12 calorie row 14 lateral burpees Welded Lean: 40 minute AMRAP 50 calorie Bike 30 AbMat sit ups 10 push ups
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