
By: Tammy Hamilton One of the most popular questions I get asked as a Nutrition Coach is if my client should cut out all carbs out of their diet. And my answer is always NO! Carbohydrates are very important for fueling our bodies not just before a workout but throughout each day. Without the proper amount of carbohydrates your body will start to look for energy in other places such as your muscles. Which means you must be eating a significant amount of protein to maintain your muscle mass otherwise you will lose muscle mass. Most people think of carbs as only pastas, breads, etc (the carbs that get the most negative rap’s) but carbs also include fruits and vegetables. Can you eat too many healthy carbs? Yes, you need to have the proper ratio of protein, carbohydrates and fats to get the best results. But that amount depends on...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 minute machine 2 Rounds 10 tempo single arm kettlebell high pulls 10 single arm kettlebell presses Weightlifting (Welded): 8x 1 squat clean + 1 push jerk StrengthCon: 3 Rounds 4 squat clean and jerks (heavy, choose a challenging weight) 20 calorie bike MetCon (Welded Lean): 10 Rounds 10 front squats (95#/65#) 20 calorie row 30 double unders or 60 singles *35 minute time cap
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Last week we covered the account feature of your Double Edge App. This week we will be focusing on checking your classes that you have signed up for and any of your waitlist classes. Why is this part of the app so useful? You can book your classes up to 2 weeks in advance to secure your spot in a certain class time. The problem with booking out so far in advance is that sometimes schedules change and we need to adjust our class times. If you go to the “my classes” section in the app you can see all your classes that you are currently signed up for and make any appropriate changes. Sometimes you will find yourself on a waitlist when trying to sign up for a class that is already full. In your “My waitlist” you can check your status of your waitlist and see if you...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 90 second pigeon stretch 3 Rounds 10 Russian kettlebell swings 10 goblet squats 15 hollow rocks Strength: Front Squat Strength: 5×3 @75-80% of 1 rep max Technique: 5×5 @moderate weight MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 5 Rounds Every 4 Minutes 25 wall balls (20#/14#) 12 toes to bar or 24 knee raises 8 power cleans (135#/95#)
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By: Sabrina Blajos Hey Double Edge Family, I have a question for you guys. When was the last time you tried something new? For me and I’m sure for many of you it has been a really long time since I tried something new. I know most of us are busy and have crazy schedules, kids, work, etc. However we only live once, which means we only get to try something new for so long. It is something that has definitely been on my mind lately, especially with the nice weather being so close. So what I did was make a list of 3 things I want to try! But also 3 things that scare me, and hey who knows maybe I’ll end up loving it (which normally I do). It is something that will get me outside of my comfort zone, but also to will allow me to apply...
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