
This week’s Featured Athlete is Amy and Dan Perry who were chosen by Derek! “Every time these two show up to class it’s super awesome. Dan and Amy have been coming to 9am at Midtown for a while and we are blessed to have them as apart of the Double Edge community. They do Welded for the best reasons. Live a healthy lifestyle and be apart of a community of like minded healthy people.  Doesn’t get much better! Thank you both!” – Coach Derek
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 5 minute machine 3 Rounds 12 air squats 10 push ups 8 ring rows 20 PVC pass throughs 20 leg swings Accessory Work: Super Set: 5×10 single leg Romanian deadlift 5×6-10 chin ups MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 12 minute AMRAP 10 bar muscle ups 20 push press (115#/75#) 30 deadlifts (115#/75#) 400 meter run or 500 meter ski
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By: Trent Soares Being one of the privileged morning coaches here at Double Edge is a true blessing. The members that wake up at the crack of dawn really make the community, our gym a special place to be in the A.M. Regardless, being part of the staff can be a mad rush at times, and breakfast takes a back burner. Because of this I have found through inspiration of Coach Leo, and Marcus Filly a more convenient way to tackle this. I give you the Filly Frittata: Ingredients: Bacon (8 strips) Green Bell Pepper (1) Red Bell Pepper (1) Onion (1) Sweet Potato (2) Spinach (3 cups) Eggs (9) Goat Cheese Directions: – Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees – Sautee Peppers, Onions, Sweet Potato and Spinach – Cook Bacon strips (same time) – Cut up everything into small cubes – Mix 9 eggs in a bowl – Spray pam...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 400 meter jog 20 leg swings (front and side) 20 meters each: high knees butt kickers walking lunge w/hip stretch heel walks toe walks Finish w/: 4×50 meter strides MetCon: Welded: 10 Rounds 20/15 calorie bike 20 air squats Welded Athlete: 10 pistols + 3 power cleans (245#/165#) *25 minute time cap Welded Lean: For Time: 4 mile run
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By: Haideh Plock Knees hurting after squatting? Can’t get that handstand? Back screaming at you after deadlifts? Maybe it’s time to work on those stabilizing muscles…you know, those little guys that get ignored a lot when we are trying to max out that back squat or snatch. You may have heard of them: the rotator cuff, transverse abdominus, gluteus medius, but how often do we target them? They are the stable platform your quads and traps use to generate power! They’re small guys, and they don’t like heavy weight so they often get ignored. This makes them weak and underdeveloped, so when they’re used, they get mad- and that’s when the problems start. This upcoming 4-week series builds accessory muscle work into a yoga sequence- which is much more fun then doing 3 sets of 15 boring rotator cuff exercises. The series will be as follows: June 4th: core stability...
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