
Derek Wellock
Dr. Peter Attia’s Principles of Longevity In recent years, the conversation around longevity has shifted from simply increasing lifespan to improving health span—the period of life during which we are healthy, active, and free from chronic illness. Dr. Peter Attia, a leading voice in this movement, has focused on how we can optimize our physical...
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So, as many of you know, I have been learning a lot about inflammation and gut health because of my daughter’s recent diagnosis of Crohn’s.   I have had to look at every variable in our life.  Water is one of them.  When my wife and I decided to have kids, she was adamant about...
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First, I like oatmeal.  But not all oats are created equal.  You will also see some biohacking and longevity guru’s say that oatmeal is poison to your body and it is a peasant, livestock feed, or great depression food, with no health benefits, but to just fill up your belly and make you fat.  To...
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When it comes to our health, we often pay close attention to what we eat and how we feel, but we may not give much thought to what happens in the bathroom. Yes, we’re talking about poop! While it may not be the most glamorous topic, the appearance of your stool can provide valuable insights...
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Longevity. The beginning of a new life chapter for me. Turning 39 and heading towards 40, I had a major realization about the direction of my life and health.   This might come as a surprise, but I had to face some ugly truth.  Thanks to my wife for getting me to read the book...
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