By: Derek Wellock I sit here on this Sunday morning in pain. My back is locked up. I have hurt myself before, but this time it is different because when I really get down to the nuts and bolts of why I am hurt I am disappointed. Many of you know little baby Claire...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 1 min plank, 30 air squats, 20 situps, 15 pushups 10 burpees Finish with 15 PVC PT, GM and 20 leg swings each Strength: Back Squat 2×8 @60%, 3×3 @75% Every 90 Seconds Metcon: Welded 5 Rounds 3 Min AMRAP 3 Power Cleans 6 Hand Release Pushups...Read More
Metcon For Hope is just around the corner and with only 6 Men’s spots and 8 women’s spots left we are looking to be sold out by Friday! If you haven’t yet signed up don’t miss out and CLICK HERE to get your team in! If you don’t plan on competing there are still...Read More
The VISION of Double Edge Fitness By: Derek Wellock’ “To create an unparalleled experience through fitness that forever enriches the lives of the people in the community.” This past month the Double Edge Team went on our annual retreat to plan the 2016 year. A lot of great stuff came out of this...Read More
By: Arthur Anderson What is Paleo? Or for that matter what is Primal? Paleo is a diet that mimics our Paleolithic ancestors and Primal is a lifestyle that mimics our Paleolithic ancestors. In addition to eating good food our Paleolithic ancestors enjoyed an active and enriching life, that didn’t include many of the stresses that...Read More
Metcon For Hope was created in the hearts and minds of the Double Edge staff last holiday season when our gym was able to provide 267 meals for the Northern Nevada Food Bank and over 100 toys for Toys For Tots! With the overwhelming support and love that we received last year we decided that...Read More
By: Joaquin Rameriez Do you remember what it was like the first day you stepped into the box? For many of us it was unfamiliar territory. We would only come a day or two a week, which usually felt like a chore. We didn’t know how to perform all the movements perfectly or how all...Read More