By: Arthur Anderson
What is Paleo? Or for that matter what is Primal?
Paleo is a diet that mimics our Paleolithic ancestors and Primal is a lifestyle that mimics our Paleolithic ancestors.
In addition to eating good food our Paleolithic ancestors enjoyed an active and enriching life, that didn’t include many of the stresses that we have today. The Primal Lifestyle is a way of modeling our diet, exercise and lifestyle behaviors after our primal ancestors while adapting them to the realities of our modern lifestyles.
The first exercise behavior I would like to discuss is the concept of Moving Frequently at a Slow Pace.
As an avid Weldedter this statement could be considered sacrilege. The euphoria of popping your heart rate up over 85% and then collapsing on the floor at the end of the workout, what can be better than that. Nothing, when it’s not chronically abused. High intensity workouts put your body into a fight-or-flight response mode that releases several stress related hormones including Cortisol. While stress is good once in a while, chronic stress is not. Compounding this with the stress of our everyday lives can wear down your body leading a variety of health issues from injury to sickness. Moving at a slow pace is just a way of saying that when you go for a hike or a bike ride it doesn’t always need to be a race or a PR. Slow down enjoy the ride, look around and enjoy the moment, allow your body to de-stress.
Moving frequently is something that many of us forget to do. Sure we had a great workout but what did we do the rest of the day. Our jobs and the comforts of our modern day life encourage us to be sedentary. Through frequent movement our body can better eliminate waste from our muscles and cells, increase circulation and reduce muscle soreness. So take the time to walk at lunch and after dinner, park across the parking lot, take the stairs, get a standing desk, try and break the habit of sitting all day. You’ll feel much better at your next workout.
Warm Up:
Trainer Choice
6×3 Power Snatch Every 1:20
Adv: Squat Snatch
Lean: Hang Power Snatch
Welded Lean
For Time:
50 Ab Mat Situps
40 Double Unders
30 Wall Balls 20/14
20 Toes to Bar
10 Cleans @155/105
20 Toes to Bar
30 Wall Balls 20/14
40 Double Unders
50 Ab Mat Situps
For Time:
50 Ab Mat Situps
40 Double Unders
35 Med Ball Slams 20/16
25 KB Swings 53/35
25/20 Cal Bike
25 KB Swings 53/35
35 Med Ball Slams 20/16
40 Double Unders
50 Ab Mat Situps
Mobility Of the Day: Banded Heel Cord
Improves: Ankle Range, Ankle Pain, Neutral Foot Position
8 to 9am
- Muscle up practice
- Arm (triceps, biceps)
5:30 to 6:45 with Coach Joel and Yogi Master Savina
Warm Up:
Double Tabata (16 rounds, 8 minutes)
20 seconds of double unders
10 second off the floor L-Sit hold
Dynamic Stretch
Skill of the Month: Deadlift
6 x 5 (every 2 minutes)
2 x 5 @65%
2 x 5 @75%
1 x 5 @85%
1 x 5+ @85%
*percentage is based off of 90% of 1RM
40 reverse lunges
overhead squats
bar over burpees