
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up 4 Rounds 10 Russian kettlebell swings 5 goblet squats 2 Rounds 10 strict press 10 barbell good mornings Strength: Power Clean + Push Jerk (every 1:15) 10×2 MetCon: Welded Rx: For Time: 45 calorie bike 2 Rounds 5 deadlifts (315#/205#) 10 lateral burpees 10 minute time cap Lean: For Time: 100 walking lunges 50 med ball slams 500 meter row 10 Minute Time Cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 35 Minute AMRAP 1 mile run or 2K row 40 wall balls (20#/14#, 10”/9”) 80/65 calorie ski or bike 100 walking lunges WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Weightlifting: 1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS (every 1:15) 8 Sets (Heavy) Snatch Pulls (every 1:30) 6×4 @100% of best Snatch Snatch Push Press (every 1:30) 5×5
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Jacob! There are very few women as driven, motivated and inspirational as Lindsey! Keep crushin’ it Lindsey! 💪🏽 “My #DECFMonday goes out to Lindsey Boston for being a total badass. She brought home the gold medal from jiu-jitsu match this last weekend and suffered a grade 3 dislocation full tear in her shoulder mid match and still won. She puts in double, sometimes triple days in our gym and her jiu-jitsu gym to stay at the top of her competitive career. She is one of the nicest people you can meet, but can also put you in pretzel. Keep working hard Lindsey and recover soon!” – Coach Jacob
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 25 banded good mornings 15 dumbbell/kettlebell rows (each side) 8 jump squats (increase in height) Strength: Deadlift (every 2:00) 5×5 (double overhand grip, no hook) MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: For Time: 50 burpees 50 box jump overs (24”/20”) 50 toes to bar 18 Minute Time Cap
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By: Jacob Wellock For those of you that don’t know, we are starting a podcast! We are very excited about this. What is the name? The name of the podcast is Reps of Discipline. We came up with that name, because if you want to accomplish anything of significance in life, it is going to require discipline. It is going to require a lot of discipline. Little bouts of discipline can come and go, just like motivation. Most of the world suffers from this, but it is those that fall outside of this norm that really make a difference. It is repetition after repetition that makes the change. No one is good at anything their first try at it. That is why this name stood out to us. What is it going to be about? It is going to be about all things that are involved with the gym as...
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