
By: Derek Wellock Goals vs. Vision Goals are great and they come in hot and heavy during this time of year.  Goals set, motivation is steaming and you are ready to go. Two weeks later you get on the scale and you see you dropped 1lb. or worse no change at all.  Your goal was to lose the 5 extra pounds you gained the last month and a half. What do you do? Most people give up. Gyms are packed the first few months of the year with all kinds of fresh goals and motivation.   But by mid-February, most people have faded away.    I truly believe in having goals, they are focus points for you to work towards.  Lots of times goals are made too big, and we have time frames for big goals that are not realistic and then all of a sudden we have slipped away from...
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Blaise. Mark has been a great part of the DE Community, thanks for all you do!⠀⠀ “Mark is always sure top arrive to class early with a smile and an eagerness too get tp work. He has been putting in the extra effort in the longer Lean workouts and his increased cardio fitness has been showing in the Welded workouts. Mark is warm and friendly and always willing to help clean up equipment and cheer on another member. Mark was apprehensive about Welded and all it entailed, but he is now hooked and we can not be happier to have him as a member of our community!” ⠀ – Coach Blaise⠀⠀
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Kris. Jp has been a great part of the community and always works hard! Keep up the awesome work!⠀ “There’s so many things you could talk about when it comes to JP. He’s got such an outgoing, lovable and funny personality. Always bringing good vibes and laughter to class, I would even go so far as saying that he’s the class clown. ⠀ ⠀ But don’t mistake his easy going attitude for lack of care when it comes to his WODs. In the 10 months he’s been with us he has made so much improvement in his health and fitness. He’s built great relationships with many of the members and continues to make gains. So many gains that he even had to create another persona, “50 Cal”. If you don’t know, ask about it.⠀ ⠀ Thanks for always keeping the mood light in...
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Leo. Jon has been putting in the work, keep it up! Thanks for being part of our DE Community!⠀ “Jon has been a member for a long time, since the beginning. He’s quiet but always so kind to everyone. He has been working hard to get better and better with his mobility and performance in the gym. He makes sure to stay after class to hang out with his 3:30PM people, stretching and hanging out in the lawn chairs. We love having him in our community. Keep crushing it Jon!!!” – Coach Leo⠀
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By: Derek Wellock There are huge benefits found in simplicity.  Most people do not need a special diet plan, or weigh every meal and make sure you input every bite it into an app.  The body is the perfect system and is built to run optimally as long as you treat it right. The problem is in our fast-paced society, we are in a rush, and when in a rush, we usually grab some kind of food that is highly processed and eat it fast as we can.  There is a trick that can help you drop some unwanted body fat, reduce how much money you spend on food, and improve your health. SLOW THE **** DOWN!  Ok, the implied curse word may or may not have caught your attention.  But the reality is slowing down, eating slower and gaining mindfulness of what you are eating and why you are...
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