
By: Derek Wellock Over the evolution of Double Edge Fitness, I have had many emotions, from happiness, sadness, anger, depression, and anxiety.  When Jacob and I started Double Edge we had so many ambitions and goals. We loved changing people’s lives through fitness, in our early days though we could not figure out how to do that as a career, it was always kind of a side hustle.  When we were blessed with the opportunity to open Double Edge Fitness, and I discussed with my investors that our vision was to bring the best fitness experience possible to Reno, but also have a strong commitment to making fitness coaching a purposeful and fulfilling career opportunity for people to be proud of.   These two goals are the premise of Double Edge, and all that came with a very large financial commitment.  A commitment that is supported and believed in and...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx: Open Workout 19.5 For Time: 33-27-21-15-9 Thrusters (95#/65#) C2B Pull Ups 20 Minute Time Cap Scaled: 65#/45#, Jumping Pull Ups Lean: 4 Rounds 80/60 Cal. Machines (Rotate) 25 AbMat Sit Ups 20 Ring Rows 20 Push Ups 35 Minute Time Cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 8 Minute AMRAP 15/12 calorie machine 10 alternating dumbbell snatches 10 walking lunges Strength: Hang Power Snatch (every 1:30) 6×3 (Across) Intro: 6×5 MetCon: Welded Rx: 21 Minute EMOM 1. Max DB Front Squats (50#/35#) 2. Max Box Jump Overs (24”/20”) 3. Rest Lean: 20 Rounds 1 minute work/30 second rest machine Cash out: 2 Rounds 30 air squats 20 AbMat sit ups 10 strict pull ups or 20 ring rows 40 Minute Time Cap
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We have made it to the last and final week of the 2019 Welded Open and to celebrate yet another year of challenges, personal records and first times we will be hosting the final workout (19.5) on Saturday March 23rd at 10am at Double Edge South! We will be running heats throughout the morning for all of those who want to compete in the final throwdown with the first heat starting at 10am. After the throwdown we invite everyone to stick around and celebrate the end of the Welded open with our annual BBQ! We will be supplying burgers, Zevia’s and beer for everyone in attendance, but we also encourage anyone to bring their favorite sides or dishes to share! If you aren’t part of the open or don’t want to participate on Saturday we will still be holding Saturday classes at Midtown at 8:30am and 9:30am. SATURDAY CLASSES AT...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds 20 Russian kettlebell swings 10 goblet squats 2 Rounds 10 single arm kettlebell press 5 hanging leg raises Strength: Back Squat (every 1:30) 7×2 @85% Intro: 7×4 MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: For Time: 40/35 calorie bike 30 clean and jerks (115#/75#) 20 chest to bar pull ups 11 Minute Time Cap
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