
By: Derek Wellock Overcoming yourself is the first step to making any kind of positive change in your life. I know, as I have had to do this many times and will have to do it many more times. But oftentimes when momentum and motivation are lacking it is easy to let yourself slip, fall behind and lose track of your goals. When you find yourself slipping there are some things you need to do, and you must do. First, you need to gain perspective, where are you now? Where have you come from? What is your new norm? If you were to draw a line graph of your progress over the last year or your life, would that line graph trend in a positive direction? If the answer is yes, then you need to give yourself some grace. You might need to back off the throttle for a second,...
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This week’s #DECFMonday was chosen by Coach Jess. Way to go Ami! We couldn’t be happier that you’re part of our Double Edge Community! “Ami is another wonderful part of this community. Her smile and sass make getting up at 4am just a bit easier. When I first transitioned to coaching at Midtown, Ami went out of her way to get to know me and make me feel comfortable. I also witness her extend that same kindness to every new person that shows up to class. She will always go out of her way to high five them and remind them that Welded is hard for all of us, but we keep showing up anyway. I consider myself so lucky that I get to watch Ami work hard and be a part of her journey. She is putting in some incredible work to reach her goals, often showing up to...
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This week’s #DECFMonday was chosen by Coach Jacob. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your fitness journey, keep crushing it Jason! “I have had the pleasure of coaching thousands of hours over the years and have also had the pleasure of meeting a lot of people from all walks of life in that time frame. And I can say that without question, one thing that coaches love is when someone really commits to their fitness and utilizes what they learn in the gym and applies it to their life. Jason, hands down is one of the best. I believe the fitness community has had a large impact on his life, and I know that our community is better for having him around here. Always ready to get after it, always looking forward to his next training session, and always professional. We love having you as part of...
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By: Derek Wellock Every year, particularly in January after the long holiday season there is a huge increase in the general population’s motivation to get healthy, drop some weight and get back to or start a new routine.  The average person will increase their body fat alone by 1 to 2lbs just during the holiday months from November through December. Doing this year over year for 5 years and you are 10 pounds of fat heavier.  It is so easy to let the mindless snacking, skip some workouts and boom before you know it the holidays are over, and you left feeling worse. BOOM. Motivation kicks in. Time for a change, time to start working out, start a diet, a cleans, and take control.   After 13 years of coaching in the health and fitness industry I have seen so many people start the new year with steam and after a...
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This week’s #DECFMonday was chosen by Coach Derek. We are truly grateful for members like Kendra! “Kendra has been training with Jacob and myself before Double Edge was even a thought. Always doing the early morning classes and always being one of the best people to be around. When I see Kendra, I am truly humbled that she believes in what we are doing after nearly eight years of training together. She has been through many evolutions of Double Edge and still believes and trusts us to help her with her health and fitness goals. She is a consistent face at the 5AM class and I am truly grateful to call her a friend and family. Thank you Kendra, for being such. loyal and supportive member who has been such a shining light to the Double Edge Community. I look forward to many more successful years of health and fitness...
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