
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Accessory Work: 8×5 single leg tempo kettlebell Romanian Deadlift (30X0, each leg) 8×8 bent over barbell row MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: 14 Minute AMRAP 4 Rounds of Strict “Cindy” 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats 2 Rounds of “DT” 12 deadlifts (155#/105#) 9 hang power clean (155#/105#) 6 push jerks (155#/105#)
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By: Joel Cochran If you know anything about me or have read any of my past blogs, I am a huge advocate for creating and nurturing positive habits.  My job is about helping people reach their fitness goals and to do that I always start off with a person’s habits, both good and bad.  By diving into a person’s habits we can start breaking down both the good and the bad and make a decision on what we should keep or get rid of.   The biggest problem that I usually face when talking about habits to others, is actually understanding what its purpose is.  Most people look at habits as a systematical approach to reach a given goal or result. “If I want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass, I need to create the habit of going to the gym 5 days a week for 1 hour.”...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 5 Cossack squats (each side) 10 ring rows 10 leg swings (each side) 5 burpee broad jumps Strength: Sumo Deadlift  (every 2:00) 8×3 (Moderate Weight) Skill: 4-8 Strict handstand push ups/25’ handstand walk/5 dumbbell press MetCon: Welded Rx: For Time: 30 front rack lunges (135#/95#) 30 lateral burpees 10 Minute Time Cap Lean: For Time: Buy In: 1 mile run or 120/100 calorie bike 3 Rounds 40 wall balls (14#/10#, 10’/9’) 40 V-Ups Cash Out: 1 mile run or 120/100 calorie bike 38 Minute Time Cap
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Double Edge is preparing to host a Nutrition Seminar this year and we want to get your feedback so that we can provide you the best experience! This survey will take less than a minute and will help to give us valuable information while we continue to prepare for this seminar. To take the survey copy the link below. We will be releasing more information about the seminar in the future but if you have any immediate questions please contact us at [email protected].  Thank you for your feedback!
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: “Bond” *With a 20 minute running clock. For Time: 21-15-9 chest to bar pull ups front squats (95#/65#) 2 minute rest 9-15-21 hang power clean (95#/65#) calorie row *Remaining time find max distance handstand walk (10’+ increments)
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