
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats (10 sec. pause last rep) 15 Russian KBS 3 Rounds 10 Leg Swings (each side) 15 Banded GM Strength: Front Squat (every 1:30) Build: 5×5 (choose weight) Welded: 5×3 @75-80%) Warrior: 5×1 @90% MetCon: Build: 10 Minute AMRAP 16 Push Ups 14 HPC (95#/65#) 16/14 Cal. Row Welded: 10 Minute AMRAP 12 HSPU 14 HPC (135#/95#) 16/14 Cal. Bike Warrior: 10 Minute AMRAP 12 Strict HSPU 14 HPC (165#/115#) 16/14 Cal. Bike
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LEAN GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: For Time: 2 Mile Run 50 Burpees 200 Walking Lunges 50 Burpees 2K Row 40 Minute Time Cap WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Weightlifting: Clean and Jerk Find 1RM Clean Pulls 5×4 @90% of best Clean Single Leg KB RDL 4×12 (each leg) Chin Ups 4×8
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Trent! Keep up the awesome work Crys!⠀ “It’s an honor to have Crystal Jackson in our 5am, she brings a special fire and laughter to the group. Even if she does stroll in a few minutes late with only one shoe on. Crys has made a terrific transformation ever since Reps of Discipline started and I am extremely excited for her to showcase it this weekend at her competition. I look forward to watching her progress to continue on this fitness journey we are all striving for. Keep up the solid work Girl! Fun Fact: Her favorite song is Ms. Jackson by OutKast” – Coach Trent
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Strength: Pump Sesh (12 Minutes) 5×20 Hammer Curls 5×50 Banded Tricep Extensions MetCon: Build: 12 Minute AMRAP 10 OHS/FS (95#/65#) 100 Double Unders 20 DL (95#/65#) 100 Double Unders Welded: 12 Minute AMRAP 10 OHS (135#/95#) 100 Double Unders 20 DL (135#/95#) 100 Double Unders Warrior: 12 Minute AMRAP 10 OHS (185#/125#) 100 Double Unders 20 DL (185#/125#) 100 Double Unders
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By: Joel Cochran At Double Edge we offer up to 4 fitness programs daily which are Lean, Build, Welded and Warrior.  These 4 different tracks of programming gives our members the ability to grow their fitness from a base level of health and wellness to an elite level of competition.  The only problem that we have faced with this comprehensive approach to programming is which program should you be following?   The answer is whichever program provides you with the correct stimulus that is efficient, effective and safe.  One day that could be the build programming and the next it could be the welded programming, the important part is making sure you know what workout will be best for your body and your goals.   But here lies the problem… not all programs seem to be treated equally.  It has come to my attention in the past 3 months that our members...
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