
Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: Front Squat (every 1:30) Welded : 6×4 @75% Welded Lean: no strength MetCon: Welded: 4 Rounds 400 meter run 15 box jump overs (24″/20″) Welded Lean: 8 Rounds 400 meter run 15 wall balls (20#/14#) 15 kettlebell swings (44#/26#) 15 calorie ski *40 minute time cap
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You’re not going to want to miss class today as it is a “test” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what test/retest days are and why we do them check out Coach Joaquin’s original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: “Derek” 45 minute AMRAP 5 Rounds 50 calorie bike/row/double under (alternate) 40 air squats 30 push ups 20 pull ups 10 clean & jerks (135#/95#) adv.: fat bar scaled: 10 deadlifts *after 5 rounds complete as many burpee ring muscle ups as possible with remaining time scaled: burpee pull ups Score: total reps completed
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By: Joel Cochran Ever wonder why you aren’t getting the results you are looking for? I’m not just talking about in the gym and whether you’re hitting PR’s and changing the way your body looks; I’m also talking about work, relationships, school, family, faith and about every other aspect of your life. It seems that you’re investing enough time and putting the right effort into making a change in a certain area of your life, yet there still seems to be no change. Ever faced this problem? Well don’t worry, I have a solution! Consistency. Yes, I know I said that consistency doesn’t matter in my title and that’s because it’s true. Consistency doesn’t matter until you decide that you want a change, then it’s the only thing that matters! Since starting Double Edge back in 2013 I have done over 1,000 introductions with people looking for a change in their...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: Back Squat (every 1:00) Strength: 10×1 @85% Technique: 10×3 @moderate weight MetCon: Welded: 4 Rounds 3 hang power snatch 95/65 5 overhead squats 7 lateral burpees scaled: hang power clean, front squats Welded Lean: For Time: 4K row 2 minute rest 200/160 calorie bike *Score is total time
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Skill Work: 14 minutes pistols, rowing, double under Test: 3 attempts to find one MAX set of unbroken double under Test: 500 meter row for time MetCon: Welded: 18 Minute EMOM 1. 6 hang power cleans (115#/75#) 2. 16 wall balls (20#/14#) 3. 20 AbMat sit ups adv.: 165#/115# Welded Lean: 18 Minute EMOM 1. 8 burpees 2. 10 dumbbell front rack lunges (50#/35#) 3. 20 AbMat sit ups adv.: 5 burpee pullups
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