
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 400 meter run or 500 meter row 20 air squats 10 pushups 90 second banded ankle distraction 2 Rounds (guided) 5 snatch deadlift 5 snatch high pull 5 push press + overhead squat Strength: (every 1:30) Strength: 7×3 snatch (drop and reset) Technique: 7×5 power snatch (light to moderate weight) MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 5 sumo deadlift high pull 7 wall balls 8 Rounds 8 sumo deadlift high pulls (75#/55#) 16 wall balls (20#/14#) adv.: 95#/65# *14 minute time cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15 calorie machine 20 banded good mornings 10 glute bridges MetCon: Welded: Team Conditioning 10 Minutes max tire flips/D-Ball toss/carry 1 minute rest 10 Minutes max distance sled drag (135#/90#) 1 minute rest 10 Minutes max 400 meter farmer carry (53#/35#) adv.: 70#/53# Welded Lean: 30 Minute AMRAP 400 meter run 30 air squats 10 dumbbell hang snatch (40#/30#)
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 5 minute AMRAP 10 calorie machine 10 air squats 10 pushups Finish with: 2 minute PVC front rack stretch 90 second banded wrist distraction MetCon Warm Up: 2 Rounds ( for speed) 3 squat cleans @50% 5 pull ups 8 calorie row MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: Every 5 Minutes for 5 Rounds 5 squat cleans @75% 10 pull ups or 15 ring rows 20/15 calorie row or 15/12 calorie bike scaled: power clean + front squat adv.: 10 chest to bar/5 muscle ups Cool Down: 3 Rounds 10 calorie machine 10 walking lunges
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By: Tammy Hamilton Have you heard the term that losing weight is all about “calorie in, calorie out”? Or that if you are overweight it’s because you eat too much or you exercise too little (or both)? And that it’s a simple math calculation as to why you aren’t getting the results you want? That you can still eat Doritos or drink wine several times a week if they fit in your macros (flexible dieting)? Are you currently counting your calories/macros and struggling to get the results you want?  Proper nutrition isn’t a simple math calculation. It has much more to do with science.  It is about the biochemistry of the foods we eat and how they are handled and metabolized by the body. When you eat sugar, your body either converts it into energy or into fat (which is then stored in your fat cells). How your body processes...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Accessory Work: 14 minutes 30 strict pull ups (adv.: behind the neck) 40 push ups (adv.: banded) Rest 2 minutes 15 strict pull ups 20 push ups MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: For Time: Buy In: 150 double unders 30 burpee box jump overs (24″/20″) 20 thrusters (95#/65#) 10 snatches (115#/75#) Cash out: 30 calorie bike scaled: 300 singles, power cleans 16 minute time cap
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