By: Joel Cochran We talk a lot about myofascial release (also known as foam rolling) but what exactly is this fascia that we speak of? Well taking it straight from Wikipedia itself, “Fascia is a thin, tough, elastic type of connective tissue that wraps most structures within the human body, including muscle.” The key word that I want you to focus on is “muscle.” Your fascia wraps around your muscle to keep it supported and protected which is a good thing! The bad thing is that the “fascia is a thin, TOUGH, elastic type of connective tissue” that doesn’t like to move around too much. So what happens when your muscles start becoming one with a tough piece of tissue like fascia? You get pain, muscle tension and diminished blood flow (these are all bad things people). But in comes myofascial release! Myofascial release is a way to release your...
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