
You’re not going to want to miss class today as it is a “test” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what test/retest days are and why we do them check out Coach Joaquin’s original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: “Kris” Buy In: 100 double unders 3 Rounds 10 box jumps (24″/20″) 10 hand stand push ups 10 deadlifts, increase weight each round men: 205#/255#/305#, women: 145#/175#/205# Cash Out: 100 double unders scaled: hand release push ups, 300 singles
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Kris. Matt took his first class with us exactly 2 years ago today! The consistency in your attendance the past 2 years is why you’re the awesome athlete that you are. Keep up the awesome work and killin’ it! 💪🏼 “It’s my turn to choose Double Edge Fitness’ Member Monday and this week I’d like to send a shout out to Matt P., he’s a 5:30AM regular who has been working really hard on his snatch technique and it shows. He’s the quiet dude in the back of the class that makes a funny comment every once in a while and comes in everyday ready to work hard and cruuuuush! Keep up the awesome work Matt!” -Coach Kris
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 6 inch worms (wide stance) 5 scap pull ups 4 deadlifts MetCon: Welded: Teams of 3 150 shoulder to overhead (75#/55#) 200/160 calorie bike 150 alternating dumbbell snatches (50#/35#) 200/160 calorie row 150 back squats (95#/65#) *40 minute time tap Welded Lean: 15 minute AMRAP 15 box jumps (24#/20#) 20 med ball slams (30#/20#) 30 single arm Russian kettlebell swings (35#/26#)
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By: Alvie Hafen The Welded Games are here! The ultimate test to determine the fittest man and woman on Earth. This 1% is the of 1% of the most elite and physically gifted and hard working athletes on the planet. These athletes qualified in The Open out of 300,000 competitors to compete at Regionals. Regionals had 60 male and female athletes and only the top 3-5 out of each regional made the cut for The Games. The Games will be fierce, heavy, mentality and physically demanding. This year it will consist of 4 days of grueling tests ranging from swimming to barbells to cyclocross to gymnastics to an obstacle course. This will allow them to determine the Fittest on Earth. Why smimming? Why Cycolocross? Why gymnastics you ask? Because you can’t claim to be the fittest on Earth without including all aspects of fitness. To determine the fittest on Earth...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 15/12 calorie machine 8 burpees, 20 DU, 5 TTB MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 40 minute AMRAP 1 mile run or 2K row 15 clean and jerks (115#/75#) 100 double unders or 200 singles 30 toes to bar scaled: 15 deadlifts, 60 knee raises *1 mile/2K row = 10 Reps (155 reps per round) Cool Down: 3 Minute Bike or 400m Walk 3 Minute Seated Straddle
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