By: Arthur Anderson Mother Nature has an interesting way of linking us all together. No, I’m not talking about you and me, I’m talking about man, animals, plants, insects and bacteria. Humans rely on bacteria in so many different ways. We’ve talked about the gut biome, but did you know that bacteria are responsible for the production of Vitamin B12. And only bacteria have the enzymes needed to produce Vitamin B12. Okay, “So what” you say. Vitamin B12 is a key vitamin needed for brain and nervous system development in infants and unborn children. Lack of Vitamin B12 can lead to learning orders in young children. Vitamin B12 is involved in the metabolism in every cell in the human body. Deficiency symptoms can include fatigue, poor memory and autoimmune issues. B12 is absorbed through the stomach and small intestine so adults who have intestinal disorders and adults over 60 have...
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