
By: Arthur Anderson Mother Nature has an interesting way of linking us all together.  No, I’m not talking about you and me, I’m talking about man, animals, plants, insects and bacteria. Humans rely on bacteria in so many different ways.  We’ve talked about the gut biome, but did you know that bacteria are responsible for the production of Vitamin B12.  And only bacteria have the enzymes needed to produce Vitamin B12. Okay, “So what” you say.  Vitamin B12 is a key vitamin needed for brain and nervous system development in infants and unborn children.  Lack of Vitamin B12 can lead to learning orders in young children.  Vitamin B12 is involved in the metabolism in every cell in the human body.  Deficiency symptoms can include fatigue, poor memory and autoimmune issues.  B12 is absorbed through the stomach and small intestine so adults who have intestinal disorders and adults over 60 have...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 30/24 calorie machine 30 second push up plank 10 inchworms 60 second pigeon stretch Weightlifting (Welded): Snatch Snatch 5×3 (moderate) drop and reset 3×2 (heavy) drop and reset Snatch Balance 5×2 (choose weight) Snatch Push Press 4×4 (choose weight) MetCon (Welded Lean): 40 minute AMRAP 400 meter run 30 AbMat sit ups 20 air squats or 20 jump switch lunges 10 toes to bar
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 20 banded good mornings 10 air squats 2 Rounds: 15 Russian kettlebell swings (heavy) 10 goblet squats Strength: Back Squats (every 1:30) Strength: 5×5 (across) MetCon: Welded: 4 Rounds 10 snatches (95#/65#) 20/15 calorie row scaled: power cleans *15 minute time cap Welded Lean: 8 Rounds 10 calorie bike 10 single arm kettle bell clean and jerk (35#/26#) 10 push ups *20 minute time cap
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You’re not going to want to miss class today as it is a “retest” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what test/retest days are and why we do them check out Coach Joaquin’s original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 20 band pulls 5 inch worms 3 burpee box jumps 3 Rounds: 5 scap pull ups 3 strict pull ups/6 ring rows Clean Warm Up: 3×3 @ light weight 2×2 @ moderate weight 1×1 @ 1st attempt weight MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: “DE Total” 3 minute Max Reps pull ups 1 minute rest 5 minute Max Reps burpee box jumps (24″/20″) 1 minute rest 7 minutes to Find Max clean scaled: ring rows adv.: muscle ups (1 muscle up = 5 reps) *score = pull up reps + burpee box jump reps + clean weight
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 200 meter jog 14 walking lunges 5 pull ups/10 ring rows 10 PVC overhead squats Finish with: 15 PVC pass throughs 15 PVC good mornings 20 scorpions MetCon: Welded: Buy In: 40/30 calorie bike 3 Rounds 15 overhead squats (95#/65#) 15 pull ups Cash Out: 40/30 calorie bike adv.: 135#/95# and chest to bar pull ups Welded Lean: 10 Rounds 10 push press (75#/55#) 15 double unders
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