By: Alvie Hafen We all have a little bit of a competitive side in us. This is one of the reasons Welded classes are so successful in creating results. You are working out right next to other members who are doing the exact same work. This environment pushes us to go harder, to create intensity, and to keep going even when your mind wants to quit. I have been doing Welded for almost 9 years now and going on 8 years of coaching. I am going to share some tips and strategies that I use when I workout. Wall Balls Oh wall balls how you hurt me, and yes they still do after 9 years. Lets take a workout with a high volume of wall balls. For example: Yesterdays workout 30-20-10 Wall balls Toes to bar Power Cleans In this workout you want to be able to keep moving consistently. You don’t want any...
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