GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 5 Rounds 10/7 calorie row/bike 8 single arm kettlebell high pulls (each arm) 8 PVC overhead squats 4 PVC pass throughs MetCon: “Hero” 3 Rounds 18 power snatches (115#/75#) 18 overhead squats (115#/75#) 18 calorie bike *15 Minute Time Cap Accessory Work: Post MetCon Partner 3 Rounds 15-25 back raises...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4-6 minute hip and front rack stretches 3 Rounds 5 barbell front squats (hook grip) 10 single leg kettlebell Romanian deadlift 20 weighted Russian twists (feet on floor) Strength: Front Squat (12 minutes) find 3 rep max MetCon: Welded Rx: 18 Minute AMRAP 14 toes to bar 28 wall balls (20#/14#)...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Skill Work: 2 Rounds (2 minutes at each station) HS Walk (Choose a set distance) 30 second rest Ring Muscle Ups (Choose set number of reps) 30 second rest Weighted Pistols (Choose set number of reps) OR Intro: Wall Walks (5 sec. pause at the top) 30 second rest...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 minute machine 90 second banded front rack stretch 3 Rounds: 10 BB front squats (5 sec. pause, last rep 20 banded good mornings 10 leg swings (each) Finish with: 3 front squats (at weight) 15/12 cal. machine sprint MetCon: Welded: For Time: 12-9-6-9-12 front squat (135#/95#) 20/15 calorie row OR...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 90 sec. banded ankle distraction (each side) 3 Rounds 10 psoas march 10 goblet squats 25 micro plate high pulls Strength: Back Squat 5×1 @90% OR 5×4 (2 sec. pause at the bottom) MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 5 Rounds 3 muscle ups or 9 strict pull ups 9 power...Read More
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 25/20 calorie machine 10 leg swings (each side) 10-8-6 dumbbell thrusters (rising) 5 push ups (32X2) Strength: Squat Clean Thruster (every 1:30) 6×3 MetCon: Welded: For Time: 5-5-5 power cleans (185#/125#) 15-15-15 chest to bar pull ups 25-25-25 calorie bike 16 minute time cap Welded Lean: For Time:...Read More