
This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Kris! Doug, you’ve been an great addition to our Double Edge Community, keep up the amazing work! “My #DECFMonday goes to Doug Zander! Doug started with us in November and he has been awesome to have in class. He comes in, works hard and is always smiling. Doug is a consistent regular at my 9:30AM class and has been a great addition. Keep up the awesome work Doug!” – Coach Kris
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 8 minute AMRAP 5 scap pull ups 20 banded tricep extensions 5 PVC pass throughs 5 PVC overhead squats Skill Work: 10 Rounds (every 1:15) 1. 5 strict handstand push ups or 20’ handstand walk 2. 5 KIPPING pull ups or 2 bar muscle ups MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: For Time: 40 overhead squats (95#/65#) 40 toes to bar *7 Minute Time Cap
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By: Derek Wellock “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins.   2019 is here and upon us.  The years go by so fast now, especially with kids.  Each year when January rolls in, I honestly get a little anxiety over how fast the previous year just went by.  I heard a quote from David Goggins’ book “Can’t Hurt Me” the other day. “From the second you take your first breath you become eligible to die, but you also become eligible to become the badest mother fucker that walked the earth.”   His book is very thought-provoking and will for sure have you evaluating how good you have it in life. I would recommend it for anyone to read or audiobook, just know it is not child-friendly. The book gets you thinking that no matter what goal or new year resolution you set, chances are it is not very hard to achieve no...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: For Time: 50-40-30-20 Cal. Row Cal. Bike Cal. Ski *45 Minute Time Cap
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The 2019 Double Edge Nutrition Challenge has officially kicked off! This 8 week nutrition challenge not only will help our challengers start off the new year on the right foot, but they will also have a chance at over $2,000 in prizes! Even though this is our largest participation yet, we wanted to give the opportunity for anyone who still wants to join by extending the sign up window until Friday, January 11th. After the 11th the sign up for this years challenge will be officially closed. If you are interested in taking this last opportunity please contact [email protected].
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