
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: Retest: “Grind” 4 Rounds 20 Burpees 30/24 Cal Bike 40 Air Squats 30/24 Cal Row
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Ingredients (Yields 24 – 1’’ Balls) 1 cup (256 grams) natural peanut butter (the kind with just peanuts and salt) 1/4 cup (80 grams) honey or 1/4 cup brown rice syrup for a vegan version 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups (135 grams) rolled oats (use gluten-free oats, if needed) 1/2 cup (42 grams) unsweetened shredded coconut pinch of salt 1/3 cup (57 grams) mini chocolate chips (use vegan chocolate chips, if needed) 2-4 teaspoons water or additional vanilla extract In a medium mixing bowl, stir together the peanut butter, brown rice syrup or honey and vanilla extract. Stir in the oats, coconut and salt until well combined and then add the chocolate chips. If the mixture doesn’t hold together well when pinched together, add the additional water or vanilla, a teaspoon at a time until the mixture holds together well when pinched. Form 1” balls by pressing about 1 tablespoon of the...
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By: Wes Winter I recently had a good conversation with a couple of members about that uncomfortable high heart rate feeling we all have experienced during a workout. That feeling of 160+bpm, puky, heart pounding, gasping for air feeling. We’ve all felt it. And they wondered if that was normal/ healthy/ physically ok? My answer was yes, yes it is. I then shared a story about myself I haven’t shared with many people, and why that heart exploding feeling our badass members experience an hour a day might just be the best thing for them. This time last year in late winter, a friend and I decided to take our kayaks up to Tahoe for an early morning winter paddle. We parked in Sand Harbor where, unlike summer time, there were zero cars in the parking lot and the beaches completely empty. Fully clothed and jackets on, we dropped our kayaks in and paddled out over the perfectly calm glass-like...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 50/40 Cal Machine 2 Rounds 30 Banded GM 20 Ring Rows 10 Leg Swings (each side) Strength: Strict Press (every 1:45) 5×5 (Choose weight) MetCon: Welded Rx: 7 Minute AMRAP 7 T2B 9 DL (155#/105#) Lean: 15 Rounds 15 Cal. Bike 10 Med Ball Slams (20#/15#) 5 Lunges (each leg)
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 KB High Pulls 10 KB Presses 5 Goblet Squats 2 Rounds 10 PVC PT 10 OHS Strength: Snatch (every 1:45) 6×3 (choose weight) Intro: 6x 2 Power Snatch + 2 OHS MetCon: Welded Rx: 3 Rounds 10 OHS (135#/95#) 150 Double Unders Lean: 2 Rounds 20 Front Squats (75#/55#) 40/34 Cal. Row
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