
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 30 Air Squats, 400 Meter Run/500 Meter Row or 20 Cal. Bike, 10 Strict Dual DB/KB Press MetCon: Welded Rx: Partner WOD 16-14-12-10 squat clean thrusters 40-40-40-40 calorie row 25 Minute Time Cap Weights: 16 @135#/95# 14 @155#/105# 12 @175#/120# 10 @195#/125# Individual WOD 8-7-6-5 squat clean thruster 20-20-20-20 calorie ski Weights: 8 @135#/95# 7 @155#/105# 6 @175#/120# 5 @195#/125# Lean: Partner WOD For Time: 300/250 calorie bike 150 kettlebell swings (44#/26#) 150 air squats 150 V-Ups 100/80 calorie bike 35 Minute Time Cap Individual WOD For Time: 125/100 calorie ski 75 kettlebell swings (44#/26#) 75 air squats 75 V-Ups 125/100 calorie ski
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This past Saturday we had our 4th annual max with the coaches at Double Edge South.  To say it was a success is an understatement as we had 28 of 30 members hit a PR on their snatch, and 29 of 30 hit a PR on their Clean & Jerk! We want to thank all of the members who came out on Saturday and we look forward to our next seminar on pose method running in April.  Keep your eyes out for more information coming soon! To watch our recap video click this link!
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 5 tempo push ups (53X2) 20 banded tricep extensions 10 ring rows Strength: Bench Press (every 2:00) 6×3 (heavy) Intro: 6×5 (moderate) MetCon: Welded Rx & Lean: For Time: 40 deadlifts (225#/155#) 30 chest to bar pull ups 20 handstand push ups or 40 push ups 10 power cleans (205#/135#) 12 Minute Time Cap
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1 Serving 6 oz Top Sirloin Steak 4 oz Fresh Zucchini 2 oz Fresh Onion 4 oz Fresh Bell Pepper 1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil Seasoning Options Pink Himalayan Salt Garlic Powder Onion Powder Black Pepper Steak Rub Preheat oven to 350 degrees Tenderize steak to about 1/4’’ thick. Cut veggies into long thin strips . Season beef and drizzle with olive oil. Wrap beef around veggies (can pin them with toothpicks) Place in oven and cook to desired temp Can also cook on grill Enjoy! Macros Protein = 39 Carbohydrate = 16 Fat = 33 Image provided by:
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By: Leo Fontana Alright team, this is a blog for myself, if you find value and would like to be better with your time then let me know I would love to help you or just keep you accountable. Are you like me and think by the end of the day that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get stuff done like you planned? Well that is something that many of us struggle with but we don’t try to maximize our time, especially  with my generation (Millennials) and social media. We have 24 hours in one day and if we are lucky we sleep 8 of those hours. That leaves us with 16 hours to get a few things done. So why isn’t that happening like we planned. Well we have a hard time prioritizing what needs to be done throughout the day. For example, for me my...
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