
By: Derek Wellock Back with another blog post.  Now that I am tasked with producing these once a month, it seems the turn around is fast.  So because you have to be subjected to my thoughts more often, I will try to keep shorter and to the point.   Haha. not. I can’t help it. Typing for me is therapy, and when my blogs are lengthy it is because I am passionate and fired up about it!  There is nothing more important to me then taking you on the journey with me!     Reps of Discipline challenges started because a member asking me to make my 10,000 push-up challenge open to the gym.  They wanted a leaderboard for it. So to run a leaderboard, there had to be a charge because it cost money to run those things.  But the little bit that was left over, we sent to charity. I...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20 Straight Leg Sit Ups 2 Rounds 20 Banded GM 10 Jump Squats 2 Rounds 15  Russian KBS (heavy) 30 Sec. FLR Strength: Squat Snatch (every 1:30) B: 5×4 (hang power snatch) Weld: 5×3 (70%) War: 5×2 (80%) MetCon: Build: 10 Minute AMRAP 10 SDHP (75#/55#) 20/16 Cal. Row Scoring: 1 Round = 30/26 reps Welded: 10 Minute AMRAP 10 SDHP (95#/65#) 20/16 Cal. Bike Scoring: 1 Round = 30/26 reps Warrior: 10 Minute AMRAP 10 Fat Bar SDHP (110#/70#) 3 Ring Muscle Ups 15/12 Cal. Bike Scoring: 1 Round = 28/25 reps LEAN GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20 Straight Leg Sit Ups 2 Rounds 20 Banded GM 10 Jump Squats 2 Rounds 15  Russian KBS (heavy) 30 Sec. FLR MetCon: 3×10 Minute AMRAP 400 Meter Run 30 Air Squats 20 V-Ups 10 Man Makers (30#/20#) 2 minute rest after each AMRAP Scoring: 1 Round = 61 reps, Run...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 30 Sec. Squat Hold 10 PVC PT 3 Rounds 20 Sec. Standing Calf Stretch (each side) 12 Walking Lunges MetCon: Build: For Time: 15-15-15 Double Unders or 75-75-75 Singles 12-9-6 OHS or Front Squats (95#/65#) Finish with: 800 Meter Run 4 Minute Rest 15-15-15 Double Unders or 75-75-75 Singles 9-12-15 OHS or Front Squats Finish with: 800 Meter Run 23 Minute Time Cap *If not completed within the time cap add remaining reps as seconds to 23 minutes. Welded: For Time: 50-50-50 Double Unders 12-9-6 OHS (115#/75#) Finish with: 800 Meter Run 4 Minute Rest 50-50-50 Double Unders 6-9-12 OHS Finish with: 800 Meter Run 23 Minute Time Cap *If not completed within the time cap add remaining reps as seconds to 23 minutes. Warrior: For Time: 75-75-75 Double Unders 12-9-6 OHS (165#/115#) Finish with: 800 Meter Run 4 Minute Rest 75-75-75 Double...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 4 Rounds 5 tempo KB Strict Press (3 sec. down, each side) 5 KB Bent Over Rows (3 sec. up, each side) 2 Rounds 25/20 Cal Machine 15 Air Squats, 10 Push Ups MetCon: Build: For Time: 3 Rounds 8 Pull Ups or 16 Ring Rows 12 Thrusters (75#/55#) 3 Rounds 25 Knee Raises 12 Power Cleans (75#/55#) 20 Minute Time Cap *If not completed within the time cap add remaining reps as seconds to 20 minutes. Welded: For Time: 3 Rounds 15 Pull Ups 15 Thrusters (95#/65#) 3 Rounds 10 TTB 5 Power Cleans (155#/105#) 20 Minute Time Cap *If not completed within the time cap add remaining reps as seconds to 20 minutes. Warrior: For Time: 3 Rounds 15 Chest to Bar 15 Thrusters (95#/65#) 3 Rounds 15 TTB 7 Power Cleans (185#/125#) 20 Minute Time Cap *If not completed within the time...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats 15 Russian KBS 3 Rounds 10 Leg Swings (each side) 15 Banded GM Strength: Front Squat (every 1:30) Build: 5×5 Welded: 5×3 (75-80%) Warrior: 5×1 (90%) MetCon: Build: 14 Minute AMRAP 4 DL (165#/115#) 8 Lateral Burpees 200 Meter Run 8 Single Arm OH Lunges (35#/20#) 200 Meter Run *Scoring: 1 Round = 22 reps, Run = 1 rep Welded: 14 Minute AMRAP 4 DL (275#/175#) 8 Lateral Burpees 200 Meter Run 8 Single Arm OH Lunges (50#/40#) 200 Meter Run *Scoring: 1 Round = 22 reps, Run = 1 rep Warrior: 14 Minute AMRAP 3 DL (365#/255#) 8 Lateral Burpees 200 Meter Run 8 Single Arm OH Lunges (60#/45#) 200 Meter Run *Scoring: 1 Round = 21 reps, Run = 1 rep
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