
This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Joaquin! Keep crushing it Ryonn!⠀⠀ “Ryonn has been the perfect addition to the Double Edge Community. This dude is always in a good mood! On top of that he is very encouraging and welcoming of others. He will be the first one to help you put your weights and equipment away. When it comes to fitness, Ryonn will party with the best of them. He puts out everyday and will always ask how he can improve. I want to say thank you to Ryan for just being a good dude and letting me be a part of your health and fitness journey!” – Coach Joaquin “Coach Joaquin has been a big help to me along the way. Double Edge has had nothing short of a positive impact on me. I have seen a lot of progress in my mobility, strength, and endurance....
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 40 Minute AMRAP 400 Meter Run 20 Thrusters (75#/55#) 20 Burpee Box Step Overs 40/35 Cal. Bike WEIGHTLIFTING (Midtown 10:30AM) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Weightlifting: Hang Squat Snatch + OHS (every 1:30) 7 Sets (Heavy) Snatch Balance (every 1:30) 5×4 (Light) Snatch Push Press (every 1:30) 5×5 (Moderate)
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Accessory Work: (9 Minutes) 3 Rounds 50 Dual DB High Pulls (light weight) 15 BB Rows (heavy weight) MetCon: Build: 3×5 Minute AMRAP 5 DL (165#/115#) 10 Cal. Row *2 minute rest between AMRAPs. Welded: 3×5 Minute AMRAP 5 DL (225#/155#) 10 Cal. Row *2 minute rest between AMRAPs. Warrior: 3×5 Minute AMRAP 5 DL (315#/205#) 10 Cal. Ski *2 minute rest between AMRAPs.
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From Coach Dawn It is said that there is a season and a time for everything and I believe that to be true. My season as a coach here at Double Edge has come to an end and I wanted to take the time to share this with you, the community I love. When I became a coach here in January of 2018 it was as I was leaving my long-time career as a wildland firefighter for the Forest Service. I began shadowing here as I was wrapping up the last month of my job there. The change of jobs took a lot of getting used to; however, I loved it, because of the positive energy here, the ability to connect with and help people on a daily basis, and the new challenge of learning how to coach and manage the yoga program. I have grown as a person inside...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 30/25 Cal. Machine 40 Air Squats (With Glute Band) 20 Inch Worms MetCon: Build: 20 Minute EMOM 1. 8 HPC (95#/65#) + 5 DU or 30 Singles 2. 5 DU or 30 Singles + 10/8 Cal. Bike Welded: 20 Minute EMOM 1. 8 HPC (115#/75#) + 15 DU 2. 15 DU + 10/8 Cal. Bike Warrior: 20 Minute EMOM 1. 8 HPC (135#/95#) + 30 DU 2. 30 DU + 10/8 Cal. Bike LEAN CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 30/25 Cal. Machine 40 Air Squats (With Glute Band) 20 Inch Worms MetCon: For Time: Buy In: 2 Mile Run “DT” 5 Rounds 12 DL (95#/65#) 9 Hang Power Clean (95#/65#) 6 Push Jerks (95#/65#) Cash Out: 100 Ab Mat Sit Ups 800 Meter Run
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