
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up 3 Rounds 10 KB Swing High Pulls 10 KB DL 3 Rounds 5 Push Press (each arm) 5 Cossack Squats (each side)  MetCon: Build: 18 Minute AMRAP 1 Mile Bike 15 C&J (95#/65#) 100 Singles Welded: 18 Minute AMRAP 1K Row 10 C&J (155#/105#) 50 Double Unders Warrior: 18 Minute AMRAP 1K Row 10 C&J (185#/125#) 100 Double Unders
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REMINDER: MIDTOWN CLASSES CANCELLED FOR THE GYMNASTICS COURSE. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: 2 Rounds 50 Burpees 400 Meter Run 30 Weighted Lunges (each leg) 20 T2B 10 Deadlifts (185#/125#) 4 Minute Rest 40 Minute Time Cap
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This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Jacob! Keep killin’ it Jess!⠀ “Jess is one of those people who will automatically make people feel better when they are around her. She is always in a good mood and when she comes to the gym, you don’t even need to ask her to go hard. She always pushes herself and helps those around her to do the same. We are incredibly lucky to have her as part of our community and I am very excited to see her continued growth and success!” – Coach Jacob ⠀
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15 Russian KB Swings 10 Leg Swings 3 Rounds 200 Meter Jog, 5 KB Cossack Squats (each side) MetCon: Build: For Time: 150/130 Cal. Bike 100 Air Squats 40 HPC (95#/65#) 17 Minute Time Cap Welded: For Time: 2K Row 50 Alt. Pistols or 150 Air Squats 30 HPC (165#/115#) 17 Minute Time Cap 2012 Regional Workout For Time: 2K Row 50 Alt. Pistols 30 HPC (225#/155#) 17 Minute Time Cap
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By: Joel Cochran “There can be inflammation without healing, but there cannot be healing without inflammation.” We have all been there before, sidelined with an injury running home to start icing the injured area and keep inflammation down by taking an Advil or two.  But what if we were to tell you that after all these years of icing that we were all wrong? That icing is the exact opposite of what our body needs to recover from an injury?  What would you say to that? Well, let us explain by answering these typical questions.  If I’m injured I should rest that area and avoid using it, right? The worst thing you can do to your body is rest it. Motion is lotion and the more actively you are using the injured area the faster your tissue will be able to repair itself. You don’t have to be specifically activating...
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