
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 minute machine 3 Rounds: 10 Supermans 10 laying PVC pass throughs 10 groiners Finish with: 15 PVC overhead squats 15 PVC good mornings Strength: (every 1:30) Strength: 6×3 overhead squats (rising) Technique: 6×3 front squats (rising) Welded Lean: no strength MetCon: Welded: 10 minute AMRAP 9 thrusters (95#/65#) 8 pull ups 7 burpees Welded Lean: 40 minute AMRAP 15 deadlifts (135#/95#) 45/35 calorie bike 135 double unders   SKILLS (Midtown 4:30PM) Arms   LADIES NIGHT (Midtown 6:30PM) Warm Up: 2 minute machine 2 Rounds: 1 minute goblet squat hold 15 PVC pass throughs 12 PVC good mornings 2 minute T-Spine mobility 20 wall squats Skill of the Month: Overhead Squats 10 minute movement breakdown MetCon: 20 minute AMRAP 8 overhead squats (55#) 16 calorie machine 25 deadlifts (55#) 32 double unders
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Tessa has been a part of the Double Edge community for almost a year and a half but wasn’t new to Welded when she started with us. She continues to better herself whether it be in group class or Ladies Night, Tessa is always striving to improve. Keep up the amazing work and we can’t wait to see what’s next for you! “I would like to recognize Tessa Rognier as this week’s Member Monday. Tessa has been at Double Edge Fitness for about a year. She always comes in with a smile on her face and a positive, “I can” attitude and a desire to be better than yesterday. I have seen her strength, confidence, and happiness grow in that time. In less than a year she has hit goals of: doing “real” push ups, a 200 lb. back squat, and PRing “DT.” And these are just a few to...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 40/30 calorie machine 2 Rounds: 10 single arm kettlebell press 10 single arm kettlebell high pull 20 meter overhead kettlebell walk Strength: Push Press (every 1:20) 5×4 (choose weight, same across) MetCon: Welded: buy in: 1 mile bike 4 Rounds 4 clean and jerks (135#/95#) 7 push ups 11 box jumps (24″/20″) cash out: 1 mile bike Adv.: HSPU, 165#/115# * 18 minute time cap Welded Lean: 4 Rounds 500 meter row 10 toes to bar/15 knee raises 30 double unders *18 minute time cap   SPEEDFIT (Midtown 12PM) Warm Up: 20 calorie bike 2 Rounds: 10 push ups 5 burpees 10 Russian kettlebell swings 20 PVC passs throughs 20 PVC good mornings MetCon: “Nate” 20 minute AMRAP 2 muscle ups 4 handstand push ups 8 kettlebell swings (70#/53#) scaled: 4 chest to bar pull ups/pull ups, box handstand push ups
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By: Leo Fontana Every year, in the United States, millions of people have New Year’s resolutions and many of them are fitness or nutrition oriented. Sadly, most of these people don’t stick with it and things go back to the way they were before within the first month. Here are a couple ways to help you stick to your goals: Have realistic goals: Many people don’t stick with their goals because they don’t have realistic ones. For example, if my max snatch was 185 pounds and my New Year’s resolution was to snatch 550 pounds. That is not very realistic, at least not within a year. I’m not trying to crush your dreams and tell you to not shoot for the stars, however achieving smaller goals will help get you to your big goal. Conquering smaller goals keeps you motivated to not quit because your goals don’t seem like they’re so...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 minute machine 2 minute squat hold 2 rounds: 10 leg swings (each leg) 15 air squats 10 groiners 15 pushups Finish with: 20 scorpions 15 PVC pass throughs 15 PVC good mornings Strength: Back Squats (every 1:40) Strength: 5×3 @85% Volume: 5×6 (choose weight) MetCon: Welded: 20-16-12-8 snatches (75#/55#) overhead squats (75#/55#) scaled: power cleans & front squats Welded Lean: buy in: 2,000 meter row/ski 3 rounds 50 air squats 50 AbMat sit ups 50 lunges cash out: 2,000 meter row/ski   SKILLS CLASS (Midtown 4:30PM) Abs
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