
By: Morgan Walding “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” The most important decision of your life, the one that will affect every other decision you make, is the commitment to love and accepting yourself. It directly affects the quality of your relationships, your work, your free time, your faith, and your future. Why, then, is this so difficult to do? We have to change our self-perception. Feeling worthy requires you to see yourself with fresh eyes of self-awareness and love. Acceptance and love must come from within. You don’t have to be different to be worthy. Your worth is in your true nature, the way you spread love and treat others. You are a beautiful light. You are love. We can bury our magnificence, but it’s impossible to destroy. Loving ourselves isn’t a one time event. It’s...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: (every 1:45) Bench Press 8×4 (choose weight) MetCon: Welded: 3 Rounds 200 meter run 21 box jumps (24″/20″) 15 pull ups 9 hang power cleans (115#/85#) adv.: 155#/105# Welded Lean: 40 minute AMRAP 400 meter med. ball run (20#/15#) 20 med. ball slams (20#/15#) 10 single arm kettle bell lunges (35#/26#, each leg)
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: (every 2:00) Back Squat 4×6 @70-75% MetCon: Welded: 3 Rounds 5 power snatches (95#/65#) 7 push ups 9 calorie bike 3 Rounds 5 overhead squats (95#/65#) 7 push ups 9 calorie bike scaled: power cleans, front squat adv.: 135#/95# *10 minute time cap Welded Lean: 8 Rounds 6 deadlift (135#/95#) 8 push ups 10 air squats *10 minute time cap
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By: Sharae Townsend Everyone started somewhere, you just didn’t know them back then. Don’t be scared or intimidated when you look around and see people lifting more than you or finishing a workout 3 minutes faster than you. When they walked in the door on their first day they felt the same way. It won’t happen overnight but you will get there. It takes some time, dedication, motivation, and consistency. Everyone started Welded not knowing what in the world half of the movements even were, but it’s fun to learn. Those people lifting heavier and finishing before you are the first ones who will cheer you on until you finish. Then, one day you will start beating them at some workouts! You get out what you put into it. Remember two seconds ago when I said it takes some time, dedication, motivation, and consistency to get in shape? Well, it’s true! Welded...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Trainer Choice Strength: Deadlift (every 2:00) Welded: 5×4 (Rising) Welded Lean: No Strength MetCon: Welded: 15-12-9 shoulder to overhead (115#/75#) toes to bar 2 minute rest 12-9-6 shoulder to overhead (135#/95#) toes to bar scaled: 95#/65#, 115#/75#, toes to ring/knee raises *13 minute time cap Welded Lean: 1 mile run 2K row 100/80 calorie bike 800 meter run 1K row 50/40 calorie bike *40 minute time cap
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