
By: Joaquin Ramirez As most of you know our Test/Retest Program was implemented to measure not only every member’s progress and fitness but also to give us an idea of how effective our programming at Double Edge actually is. So far this program has been a huge success! First I would like to say that we have not had any declines in overall average for any workout thus far! Good work everyone; keep up all the hard work! Just to give you guys an idea, for our last tested workout “Grace” the average male improvement was 48 seconds! The females also improved their time on average by 17 seconds. In Welded this is a huge improvement! Now going forward with the program in July we have some real special workouts that will test you both mentally and physically. We have come up with our very own “DE Total” that combines...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 6 minute AMRAP 8 calorie machine 8 alternating dumbbell snatches or 4 burpees Then: pistol and dumbbell technique and practice (5 minutes) MetCon: Welded: 30-20-10 alternating pistols alternating dumbbell snatches (60#/40#) scaled: pistols to a box or with TRX band Welded Lean: For Time: 100 calorie row 50 burpees 70 calorie row 30 burpees 50 calorie row 10 burpees
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Summer is here! Listed below are some of the fun events we have to look forward to this year: Independence Day (July 4th) It’s time to apply your fitness for the 4th of July holiday! Double Edge will be closed on the 4th and will only have morning classes for July 3rd with the last class being the 12PM class.  If you have any questions about class times please contact [email protected]. 3rd Annual Double Edge Day at the Lake (July 8th) Join us for a day of fun in the sun as we apply our fitness at Kings Beach in North Lake Tahoe! Family and friends are encouraged to come as we will all participate in a WOD before we soak up the sun and enjoy a day at the lake! More details can be found on the event page of the Double Edge Fitness Facebook. New Kids in the...
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You’re not going to want to miss class today as it is a “retest” day! If you are new or need a refresher as to what test/retest days are and why we do them check out Coach Joaquin’s original post on the topic by clicking here. GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 10 push ups 10 air squats MetCon: Retest: “Derek” 45 minute AMRAP 5 Rounds 50 calorie bike/row/double unders (alternate) 40 air squats 30 push ups 20 pull ups 10 clean and jerks (135#/95#) adv.: fat bar scaled: 10 deadlift *After 5 rounds complete as many burpee ring mu as possible with remaining time. (scaled: burpee pull ups)
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By: Tammy Hamilton Do you find it harder to stick to your Nutrition Plan during summer months as opposed to winter months? You are not alone! With the warmer weather comes more outdoor activities, weddings, vacations, gatherings with friends & family and events going on around town. Which usually means alcohol and food, that are likely not on your nutrition plan! Instead of feeling guilty or feeling like you’ve failed when you eat outside of your nutrition plan, use my 90% rule. Use that 10% to treat yourself during these times when you know you will be unable to follow your nutrition plan. For example; if you eat 5 meals a day (3 meals, 2 snacks) that equates to 35 meals per week. 90% of 35 is roughly 32 so you can have a treat meal 3 times during the week if you want to stick to the 90% rule....
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