
2017 is in the books and we have plenty of wonderful memories; from Day at the Lake to the Christmas party and everything in between we had a great year with all of our members and can’t wait to get started on 2018! We have already planned out events for the year and we want to keep you in the loop by listing some important dates below.  January 15th – Nutrition Challenge Begins January 27th – Max With the Coaches February 23rd – Welded Open Throwdown at Midtown March 10th – Maltz Challenge March 24th – Welded Open ThrowDown BBQ June 1-2nd – Reno Tahoe Odyssey June 23rd – Day at the Lake August 18th – Member Appreciation August 25th-26th – Battle Grounds November 10th – MetCon for Hope December 8th – Christmas Party *Remember, you can always check the Double Edge Calendar located in the footer of every newsletter...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded: 30-20-10 wall balls (20#/14#, 10’/9′) toes to bar power cleans (see weights below) Rx power clean weights: Round of 30 – 95#/65# Round of 20 – 15#/75# Round of 10 – 135#/95# advanced power clean weights: Round of 30 – 135#/95# Round of 20 – 165#/105# Round of 10 – 185#/125# *20 minute time cap Welded Lean: 10-20-30-20-10 AbMat sit ups dumbbell front rack lunges (30#/20#) push ups bicycles (each leg) *20 minute time cap
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By: Joel Cochran It’s that time of the year where we look to turn a new leaf, change an old habit or just simply be a better version of ourselves. Chances are that you already have a New Year’s resolution in mind and you’re ready to hit the ground with the wheels running! But here is the biggest problem that you will face, you are most likely going to fail. Now before you get offended and click out of this blog, hear me out. In a recent study published by the University of Scranton, it shows that only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Statistics have also shown that most people will give up on their resolution before the end of February.   So, with the numbers stacked against us, what should we do? The answer is simple, get away from resolutions! Yes, you heard me right, if...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 20 walking lunges 20 banded good mornings 15 goblet squats Finish with: 15/12 calorie machine Front Rack Mobility Strength: Front Squat (every 1:45) Welded: 6×4 @75% Welded Lean: no strength MetCon: Welded: 21-15-12-9-6-3 power snatch (75#/55#) pull ups scaled: power cleans *13 minute time cap Welded Lean: 10 Rounds 15 air squats 20 double unders 25 calorie row scaled: 40 singles *40 minute time cap
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 20/15 calorie machine 3 Rounds 10 dumbbell strict press 12 kettlebell high pulls 14 air squats Accessory Work: seated barbell press (w/1 minute rest) 4x max reps (25 max) bent over barbell rows (w/1 minute rest) 4×15 (light) MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 30-30-30-30 row and bike (alternate each round) 15-15-15-15 hang power cleans (95#/65#) adv.: 10 alternating pistols after each round
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