
Jill Wieczorek is a member that was chosen by the coaches to be highlighted as her attitude, smile and hard work makes her a great asset to the Double Edge Community.
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice MetCon: Welded & Welded Lean: 40 minute AMRAP (every 2 minutes) 1 minute max. calorie machine (rotate machines) 1 Round “Cindy” (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats) *If you fail to complete a round of “Cindy” in the minute, then you sit out the next full 2 minutes.
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By: Derek Wellock You might have seen in the media sources, possibly on your phone, where the big bosses in the tech world are saying how addictive cell phones are designed to be, and they are using them less, and they are not letting their kids have them either.  How facebook and Instagram is designed to suck you in. If you go out to a restaurant, walk around a store, or just go around town you will will see people stuck to their phones. The best is when you see the couple at a dinner table who are both looking at their phone’s with little to no communication.  It truly is tragic. The youth of today have forgot how to have human interaction. As I am raising one child and have another one on the way, I noticed a couple things.   The first, is how addicted we are to...
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WARM UP Coaches choice STRENGTH None CROSSFIT AND LEAN 35 Minute AMRAP 50/40 Cal Row 50 Double Unders 50/40 Cal Bike 100 Singles 5-4-3-2-1 of: KBS Star Fish 53/35
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Coach Jacob breaks down the 2018 Welded Open so far in our very first Vlog! Click on the link below! Jacob’s Vlog
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