
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: Coaches Choice Accessory Work: every 1:30 4×8 single arm dumbbell bent over row (Chinese row) 4×14 plank marches (total) MetCon: Welded: For Time: Buy In: 75 push ups 2 Rounds 15 overhead squats (135#/95#) 25 kettlebell swings (53#/35#) Cash Out: 75 push ups *22 minute time cap Welded Lean: For Time: 1 mile run 100 air squats 100 sit ups 100 push ups 100 walking lunges 1 mile run
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By: Jenelle Seamands I began my yoga journey at a time when I was beyond stressed out- physically, mentally, and emotionally. I was an employer’s dream. I truly believed the path to success meant long hours and ensuring everything was taken care of- you name it, I did it. I worked diligently and became really good at figuring out who I was “supposed” to be, what I was “supposed” to do according to societal expectations. You work hard and you’ll be rewarded, the more work the greater the reward, and I took that pretty literally. So I kept working, and working, and working. Because work=success and success=happiness. (Who me? “Type A”? Naah… ☺). Needless to say, in an effort to keep everything organized, I lost track of myself. I was really confused and scared. So I decided to try yoga, because those yogis always look so relaxed. Over time, things...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds (KB – each arm) 10 single arm kettlebell front rack split squats 20 glute bridges 15 single arm kettlebell bent over rows 10 single arm kettlebell presses Finish with: 10 tempo air squats Strength: Front Squat (every 1:45) 5×3 (choose weight) MetCon: Welded: 18 minute AMRAP 12 toes to bar 12 box jumps (24″/20″) 12 alternating dumbbell snatches (75#/50#) Welded Lean: 18 minute AMRAP 15 lemon squeezes 12 burpees 9 strict pull ups
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By: Arthur Anderson I received a lot of great questions about Intermittent Fasting and I wanted to follow up with some more discussion. “Will Intermittent Fasting affect my diet?”  Whether you follow Keto, Paleo, Zone, Whole30, Vegetarian, Carb Cycling or the Special K diet I have yet to find one that won’t work within an IF time frame. Probably the hardest would be the Zone diet because it want’s you to control the amount you eat at each meal and have 6 meals per day.  In the IF framework all that really means is that you will have less time between meals. Intermittent Fasting does not have strict rules like a Keto diet (<30g carbs/day).  IF is a way of giving your body time to take out the garbage. You can IF everyday or you can IF once a week or you can IF once a month, find a routine that works...
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GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 2 Rounds (each arm) 10 single arm kettlebell bent over rows 10 single arm dumbbell front squats 10 single arm kettlebell swings Finish with: 20 single arm kettlebell push presses (each arm) 20 PVC pass throughs Strength: Hang Squat Snatch (every 1:20) 7×2 MetCon: Welded: 4 Rounds 60 second plank 20 single arm kettlebell overhead squats (53#/35#, 10 each arm) 30/24 calorie row 1 minute rest *24 minute time cap Welded Lean: 35 minute AMRAP 15 shoulder to overhead (115#/75#) 20 calorie bike 15 deadlifts (115#/75#) 20 calorie bike 400 meter run
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