Workout And Words For January 19th – Next Up Alvie!

Next up for coaches appreciation is the one and only Alvie Hafen!  If you have been around for the past year or even just since Halloween you probably know how unique Alvie can be with his costumes and love for burning man.   As unique of a style that Alvie shows sometimes, his passion for coaching and helping others is even more rare than his style.

Alvie has been coaching Welded longer than any other coach on our staff and it shows with his dedication to providing the best possible experience for everyone who walks into the gym.   From programming the daily workouts that we all love so much to taking extra time in his day to help someone new learn about Welded, Alvie has an enthusiasm and love for his craft that is not to often seen.

We want to thank Alvie for his continued support and drive for everyone at Double Edge from his co-workers to each one of our valued members.  If you want to thank Alvie or have a story you would like to share please email [email protected] by Tuesday so that we can share it with him.  Thank you again for everyone’s continued support and letters towards all of the coaches!





Warm Up:

3 lap run

20 v-ups, 20 lunges, 20 hollow rocks, 15 PVC pass throughs, 15 PVC good mornings



5×3 Back Squat @80% (Every 1:15)





For Time:

3 Rounds

7 Power Cleans @155/105

14 Burpee Box Jumps @24/20

7 Front Squats @155/105



For Time:

3 Rounds

14 Kb Swings 53/35

14 Burpee Step Ups

14 Goblet Squats 53/35


Pre – Olympic Wall Squat (pg. 343)

Post – Adductor Smash With Barbell