
February 15, 2017
GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 3 minute machine 20 legs swings 20 lunges 15 dumbbell thrusters 10 groiners 20 scorpions 15 PVC pass throughs 15 PVC good mornings 1 minute banded front rack Strength: Front Squat (every 1:15) Welded: 6×2 @80% Welded Lean: no strength MetCon: Welded: Partner Relay 12 Rounds 3 power snatches (95#/65#) 5 overhead...
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By: Joaquin Ramirez As most of you know we have been retesting workouts for a while and I just wanted to share some of those results with you: For “Cindy” the average male score improved by 64 reps, that’s two whole rounds! The average female time improved by 56 reps, which is just a few...
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