Workout And Words For December 16th – Christmas Party!

The Christmas season is in full swing with shopping, decorations and even a little bit of snow!  To celebrate the holiday spirit Double Edge will be having our very own Christmas party on 12/18 at 6:30pm for all of our members and their families!  As most things that happen in the gym there will be a theme to our Christmas party, ugly sweater.  This means pull out your most “spirited” sweatshirt or the one that hasn’t seen the light of day in over a decade or two and wear it with pride!

We will be providing dinner from Men Wielding Fire and beer from Brewers Cabinet along with a festive cocktail that will warm even the coldest of hearts! Along with the main course we are asking members to bring some of their favorite Christmas side dishes or desserts.  The Double Edge staff will be tasting each one of these tasty morsels and will crown a dessert and side dish winner by the end of the night!  If dinner and spirits aren’t enough then you can join one of the many Christmas themed games that will be going on throughout the night such as “Christmas charades”!

Holiday spirits will start pouring at 6pm with the party beginning at 6:30pm.  We encourage you to bring your family and friends to share in the night of Christmas joy and fun!  If you have any questions about the Christmas party please feel free to contact [email protected].  See everyone on Thursday!





Warm Up:

2 min machine, 50 DU (100 singles)

15 pushups, 15 PVC pass throughs, 15 V-ups



7×3 Bench Press (Every 1:20)




16 Min EMOM

1. 14 Wall balls 20/14

2. 12 KB Swings 53/35

3. 10 Burpees

4. 40 sec plank



16 Min EMOM

1. 12 Wall ball Thrusters

2. 10 KB Swings

3. 7 Burpees

4. 40 sec plank



Pre – Anterior Compartment Smash (pg. 264)

Post- Suprapatella Smash and Floss (pg. 327)




Burpee Efficiency

Butterfly/kipping pull ups

Double Unders