Warm Up:
3 laps around rig, 30 Air Squats, 25 Situps, 20 Lunges, 15 Pushups, 10 Burpees, 20 scorpions
Finish with: 1 Min Banded OH Distraction, 15 PVC PT, GM
Strict Press Find 1RM
OR Strict Press 5×6 14 Minute Time Cap
12 Min AMRAP
10 Cleans 95/65
25 Wall balls 20/14
10 Cleans 135/85
25 Wall Balls 20/14
10 Cleans 155/105
25 Wall Balls 20/14
10 Cleans 185/125
25 Wall Balls 20/14
Max Cleans 205/140
Welded Lean
Death By Burpee: 18 Min time cap:
0-1 min: 1 Burpees
1-2 min: 2 Burpees
2-3 min: 3 Burpees
Every min that you don’t complete up to 18 min, times that by 10 cals machine. For example: if at min 12 you did not complete the amount of burpees necessary then you complete 60 cals (6 min x 10 cals)
Mobility Of The Day: Anterior Compartment Smash (pg. 264)
Improves: Overhead Position, Push up, Shoulder Pain
Strengthen & Lengthen
6 to 7am
4:30 to 5:30pm
Rest & Restore
12 to 12:45pm
5:30 to 6:30pm