Group Class Workout
Warm Up:
Trainer Choice
Accessory: 13 minutes
4 Rounds
20 banded good mornings (adv. 12 w/barbell)
20 perfect push ups (adv. plyo push ups)
8 (Clap or Clap behind back)
Finish with 2 Minute Plank
For Time:
30 toes to bar
30 wall balls (20#/14#)
30 deadlifts (185#/125#)
30 wall balls
30 toes to bar
30 wall balls
Welded Lean:
14 minute AMRAP
500 meter row
20 knee raises
20 kettlebell swings (53#/35#)
20 goblet squats (53#/35#)
Mobility Of the Day: Glute Smash (pg. 300)
Improves: Lower back and hip pain, “knee out” position