Workout for Friday, October 21st

Group Class Workout:


Warm Up:

Trainer Choice


Accessory Work: 14 minute time cap

5X3 wide grip strict pull up (pause at the top, slow on the way down)

100 banded face pulls

100 walking lunges



Welded & Welded Lean:

“Dice Game”

30 minute AMRAP

  1. 6 pull ups
  2. 12 med-ball slams (20#/15#)
  3. 6 calorie bike
  4. 12 burpees to a plate
  5. 6 box jumps (24″/20″)
  6. 12 alternating dumbbell snatches (45#/30#)

Teams of 2-5

Score is total # of completed dice rolls

Adv: chest to bar pull ups, 60#/45# dumbbells



10 minutes – pick a weakness, attack it. Get better. Give you body the attention it deserves.