Workout for August 29th

Group Class Workout


Warm Up: 30/25 Cal GO Hard, get warm!

2Rds: 10 OH plate lunges, 20 banded GM, 20 hollow rocks

Finish with: 1 Min Banded Hip Capsule, 20 PVC PT


Strength: Find 1RM Front Squat 14 Minutes

Focus: Maintain tightness throughout body

Lean: 5×3 (Rising)






For Time:

200m Run

25 Power Snatches 75/55

200m Run

25 Power Snatches 95/65

200m Run


Scale: Power Cleans


Welded Lean


21 Min Alt. EMOM

Min 1 – 5 Burpees

Min 2 – 10 Cals on Bike

Min 3 – 15 DB Push Press 30/20


7 Burpees

12 Cal on Bike

17 DB Push Press


Mobility Of the Day:  Couch Stretch (pg.331) 2-3 Minutes each side. DO it! Your body will thank you.

Improves: Squat Position, Hip Pain, Low back Pain