Workout And Words For May 7th – Mental Aspect of Training

Mental Aspect of Training

By Jacob Wellock


Any sport, any discipline, anything that you want to be good at, you have to have mental fortitude. That mental fortitude can take you anywhere in life if you put your foot down and your mind to it. I am going to talk about fitness and the mental impact it can have on your life and how you need the mental side of training to become a healthier more athletic you.

There are many occasions where us trainers see some that do not put in their full effort in their training and wonder why they are not seeing the results they expect. Any time that you put in 70% effort you are going to get 70% results. It is hard to tap into a new gear and push yourself when you have been stuck in one speed for so long. When you walk into the gym, you need to trust your trainers to push you to that next level. I can admit that it is not something that is easy, but will be definitely worth the struggle in the long run.

With that being said, I urge you to venture into that different gear and realize what you are capable of! Only then will you understand what that extra effort means and feels like. Just remember, no matter what you do or you are currently doing, you can always push more. It is about perseverance through perspective. Understand your situation and give it everything you have got.






Warm Up:

Trainer Choice



12 Minute EMOM

1 Back Squat @85%

Lean: 5 Back Squats @50%



Welded & Welded Lean

3 Rounds

15 Cal Bike

15 Push ups

15 KB Swings 53/35

Rest 1 Min

3 Rounds

15 Cal Row

15 Burpees

15 Air Squats



Pre – Couch Super Stretch (pg. 331)

Post – Piriformis Smash on Lacrosse Ball





8am to 9am





Double Unders

Bar Muscle Ups






Does your hip hurt when you squat?  Time to clear that up!





Warm- Up:

2 Laps Then 3 Rounds

20PVC PT, 15 Air Squats, 10 Sit-Ups, 5 Push-Ups Then Finish with 2 Laps


Skill Of The Month: Cleans

Burgener Warm-Up

Then 6 sets of 5

Hang Squat Cleans (Light Weights)



To Be Announced ;]