Workout And Words For July 1st

If you haven’t heard yet, the Double Edge competitors team went to South Lake Tahoe last weekend for The Fittest of The Sierra’s Welded competition.  For those of you who came up to watch our coaches and athletes compete we would like to thank you for the support and encouragement!   For our very first time up at this competition we made quite an impression!

As for the competition itself, our coaches and athletes were able to compete against the best Weldedter’s in our area.  The Double Edge team had a great first showing at this event with top finishes in both men and women!  Coach Leo had the highest ranking at 4th place, while coach Sabrina worked her way to an 8th place finish!  We couldn’t be more proud of all of the people who competed and the support that we received.

If you want to see the full results of the competition you can click on the link below!




6 Min AMRAP of:

7 Goblet Squats

10 V-ups

30 Second Planks





8 Singles Front Squat (Start @ 80%)

12 Minutes to complete






18 Minute AMRAP

10 TTB

15 KB Swings 55/35

10 Total Lunges w/KB 53/35

15 Cals on Bike/Row Alt.



18 Minute AMRAP

10 K2E/V-Ups

15 KB Swings

10 Total Lunges

15 Cals on Bike/Row Alt.




Pre-Workout – Super Couch Mob. (pg. 331)

Post- Workout – Adductor Barbell Smash (pg. 340)