By: Trent Soares
This upcoming weekend the Double Edge Team is gathering for our Annual Retreat to recap 2016 and set new goals for 2017. We do this yearly to make sure that we are constantly striving to provide the best possible experience to our members and to our community. It is a special opportunity that we take very seriously because you, the member, deserve it.
I enjoy this experience because it gives us the chance to see the progress that we have made. I am excited to recap 2016 being that it was such a successful year for us. But without the strong support of our clients, none of this would be possible. I want to thank you members sincerely for creating the image that Double Edge has taken today, and thank you for being a part of our community!
Please click HERE to witness our gratitude!
Group Class Workout
Warm Up:
4 Rounds: 30 second plank/30 seconds of burpees
15 goblet squats, 20 hollow rocks
Finish with: 1 minute banded hip capsule, 15 PVC pass throughs, 15 PVC good mornings
Welded: Front Squat 1×3 at 85%, 3×2 at 85% (every 1:30)
Welded Lean: No Strength
thrusters (95#/65#)
pull ups
*7 minute time cap, pick a weight you can move with intensity!
Welded Lean:
3 rounds:
50 air squats
90 second plank
2 rounds:
40 calorie row
40 kettlebell deadlift (53#/35#)
1 Round:
25 burpees
25 calorie bike
Mobility of the Day: Glute Smash (pg. 300)
Improves: Lower back and hip pain, knee out position