
By: Sabrina Blajos


The 2017 Welded Open has finally come to an end. Before I start I just want to say congrats to everyone for sticking it out and completing all 5 weeks. Also, for showing up and giving everything you have for your Home Gym! It was so awesome and to see you guys come together and show your gym spirit!

With that being said, we are probably on that motivation high, which is great but there are a few things we need to consider to properly train for the 2018 Open, below I will give some tips and ideas of how you can reflect, prepare, and execute your goals for the next season.

First thing first, reflect.
Especially while it is still fresh in your mind. Look back and truly write out each week’s thoughts. This is the time when you have to be honest with yourself. What were some of your strengths and weaknesses, where were you mentally stronger and why. As well as when you didn’t have the capacity mentally or physically to keep pushing! These are all important factors that tend to get overlooked.

Second, prepare.
De-loading is so important, you have no idea, because the open gets us super motivated to work on our weaknesses, if not done properly injuries can occur. Take this time while in reflection and de-loading to just have fun with the workouts again and not focus so much on the leaderboard. Maybe bounce back and forth between different class types. I would suggest taking a few yoga classes. Just relax and enjoy all the hard work you put in over the past year and give your mind a chance to take a break before you jump back into training mode.

Lastly, consult.
Once you have done all your reflecting and gathered all your information set up a one on one with your coach to go over everything and start setting up a game plan. There are so many tools and programs here at DE that can get you to your goals. Whether it’s a body weight snatch, more efficient gymnastics, or nutritional guidance to help you bulk up or slim down. Now you will have a more efficient way of targeting and completing those goals.

Those are just a few tips that I know I am personally going to use as I go into my 2018 training and I hope they will help you guys as you move forward!