There is No Better Present Than the Gift of Presence (12/6)

By: Savina Brown

With the holiday season in full force it is easy to get caught up in the chaos and craze that accompanies this time of year. Whether we are overbooked with parties, overwhelmed with present buying, or overeating because of all the delicious treats and get-togethers, it is important to take a step back and remember all that this season is about. It is not the presents. It is not the food. It is not about who has the best lighting display. It is about time. Time spent with family and friends, time enjoying one another’s company, time expressing our love and gratitude for one another, and time to recognize how truly blessed and lucky we are.

As we get older we lose sight of how magical and special this time of year is. We become consumed with all these adult responsibilities and forget the true meaning of the holidays. So, when you have a moment take a break from adulting, spend a little extra time with your kids, your grandchildren, your friends, your parents, or maybe someone you don’t even know. Rekindle that holiday spirit and work on allowing all these minor things to fall away. After all, there is no better gift to give someone that your full-hearted attention and time.


Group Class Workout

Warm Up:

2 minutes on a machine

Coach Dynamic Warm Up 5-7 Minutes

Finish with: 5 inchworms, 20 arm circles,  15 PVC pass throughs, 15 PVC good mornings


Strength: Push Press (every 1:30)

Welded: 5×4 @ 70-75%

Welded Lean:  No strength




50/40 calorie bike

40 hang cleans (75#/55#)

30 deadlift (165#/105#)

20 toes to bar

10 front squats (165#/105#)

*13 minute time cap


Welded Lean:


Every 10 minutes for 4 Rounds

1,000 meter row

20 burpees

30 air squats


Mobility of the Day: Quad Smash (pg. 324)

Improves: Hip function, knee, hip, and lower back pain.